1. Script object OG.Email

    Article: AN0002168Updated:

    This object offers functions for work with email.

    Script functions

    Name Description
    string EmailFrom Email, from which all the emails are sent. It is set in the web.config file.
    string BlindEmail Email for a blind copy that is added to all the emails. It is set in the web.config file.
    void SendEmail(string emailTo, string subject, string body, NotificationPriority priority, bool isHtml) Function sends an email.
    void SendNotification(string modelCode, string notificationCode, string distributionGroupCode, DataRow dataRow, Hashtable variable) Function sends an email.
    void SendEmail( string emailTo, string subject, string body, NotificationPriority priority, bool isHtml, EmailOwnerType ownerType, int? ownerId) Function sends an email.
    void SendEmail( string emailTo, string subject, string body, NotificationPriority priority, bool isHtml, EmailOwnerType ownerType, int? ownerId, DataRow assignEmailFordataRow) Function sends an email.
    void SendNotification( string modelCode, string notificationCode, string distributionGroupCode, DataRow dataRow, Hashtable variable, EmailOwnerType ownerType, int? ownerId) Function sends an email..
    MessageForSend CreateMessage() Function creates object MessageForSend for an email definition.
    void Send(MessageForSend message) Method sends object MessageForSend.
    EmailOwnerType EmailOwnerType_AutomaticTimeOperationSend Owner of the email automated send.
    EmailOwnerType EmailOwnerType_ClassDef Owner of the email class.
    EmailOwnerType EmailOwnerType_Export Owner of the email export.
    EmailOwnerType EmailOwnerType_Import Owner of the email import.
    EmailOwnerType EmailOwnerType_None Without owner.
    EmailOwnerType EmailOwnerType_Query Owner of the email query.
    EmailOwnerType EmailOwnerType_SendNotificationWebPart Owner of the email SendNotification webpart.
    EmailOwnerType EmailOwnerType_WorkflowSeqActivity Owner of the email workflow activity.
    NotificationPriority NotificationPriority_Normal Normal email priority.
    NotificationPriority NotificationPriority_High High email priority.
    NotificationPriority NotificationPriority_Low Low email priority.
    string MimeType_Application_Excel Mime Type excel.
    string MimeType_Application_Octed MimeType octed.
    string MimeType_Application_Pdf MimeType pdf.
    string MimeType_Application_Rtf MimeType rtf.
    string MimeType_Application_Zip MimeType zip.
    string MimeType_Text_Html MimeType Html.
    string MimeType_Text_Plain MimeType plain text.
    string MimeType_Text_RichText MimeType rich text.
    string MimeType_Text_Xml MimeType xml.
    string MimeType_Image_Gif MimeType gif.
    string MimeType_Image_Jpeg MimeType jpeg.
    string MimeType_Image_Tiff MimeType tiff.
    EmailTemplateList GetAllEmailTemplates() Function returns list of all email templates.

    Object call

