1. OGDataResult

    Article: AN0002083Updated:

    The result of calling the web service for work with data.



    Data type Property Description
    List<OGData> Datas List of data records loaded from ObjectGears.
    OGClassMetadata ClassMetadata Metadata of the class or query from which the data are loaded.
    OGDataOperationResultList DataOperationResults List of errors during data record update.

    The property Datas is filled in by calling the methods GetData, GetDataByFilter or GetDatas. It includes data records loaded from Objectgears.

    The property ClassMetadata is loaded also by calling the methods GetData, GetDataByFilter or GetDatas, however, only when property ReturnMetadata is set when making the call.

    The property DataOperationResults is set by calling methods InsertData, InsertDatas, UpdateData, UpdateDatas, DeleteData or DeleteDatas. It contains data record identification (its Id) and error description that occured by its processing. If no error occurs during record update, error description is empty.

    Error checking after calling a web service

    If an error occurs during processing one record (e.g. value for a mandatory column is not entered or the value is out of alowed range), this error is stored in the property DataOperationResults (see OGDataResult).

    When checking WS call result it is necessary to check IsOk = true and DataOperationResults != null.
