Article: AN0001850Updated:
After starting workflow the system will find out, if there is an approver for the given article topic.
If there is an approver, the system finds out, whether article deletion (column Request for deletion) or article update is requested and assigns corresponding task to approve deletion or article update. The approver can approve or reject the request. In both cases he/she can include a comment with a reason, why he/she decided in this way. If the approver approved the request, deletion or update with new values in the name, text and security classification follows based on the request type. Furthermore, column Update_date is set to the actual date. Then record status in the Request is set to Approved. In case of request for article deletion record with the article is deleted logically.
In case of rejection is the request status set to Rejected.
If there is no approver for the topic, system will proceed in the same way like in the previous case, only skips tasks assiof the article.