Article: AN0002495Updated: 30.12.2023
ObjectGears user represents an instance of the Person object. We can work with the user by means of the script object OG.Person.
User acquires permissions by means of roles, into which he or she is assigned.
User account
One user can access ObjectGears with multiple accounts and always be identified with the same Person object. You can use this feature, for example, in cases where users use multiple accounts (usual account vs. administrator account). If the user has alternative accounts filled in, then during Windows authentication he will always be identified as the same user in ObjectGears. The same tasks and other records will be displayed to him, for which he is kept as a solver, customer, etc.
Alternative user and permissions
If the user is assigned permissions outside the ObjectGears system (through membership in MS Active Directory groups), then the user will get the permissions assigned to the groups in which the specific (alternative) account, by which the user is currently accessing, is located.
Similarly, a user will gain Administrator privileges, defined in the web.config file, if the specific (alternative) account, by which the user is currently accessing, is specified in the web.config file.
User administration
Users can be managed (created, modified, deleted) by the Administrator in the menu Administration - Users - Users. Users can also be imported.
Column type: Reference to a user
You can use a reference to a user in a class thanks to the settings enabled by the column Value from a referenced class. In this way, you get the possibility to record the owner, solver, customer, etc. in the data. You can use a simple link or a multiple link to the user (team members, backup contacts, etc.)
User visibility
In the Reference to User columns, by default you select from all users of the given ObjectGears instance. This is usually the correct scenario. However, if you share an ObjectGears instance with your customers, for example, you may want to limit user visibility so that users of one customer cannot see users of another customer. This behavior is described in the User Visibility article.
Users in data
The use of the user in the data can be displayed by the Administrator on a special page (menu Administration - Users - Reference to user). You can use this functionality if the user changes job position or leaves the team or the entire organization. You will immediately get an overview of where the user is performing, what he is in charge of and what someone else should take over after him.

Working with user in Queries
You can work with users in queries similarly like with other column types.
Substitutability of users in the workflow
The substitutability of users in the workflow can be defined by the Administrator (see Delegation in the user detail in the menu Administration - Users - Users) or by each user for himself (see Delegation in the user's personal settings in the upper right corner of the screen).
A class extending user properties
You can easily extend the user properties provided by ObjectGears with any additional properties via the Class Extending User Properties that you define in the web.config file.