1. User roles in model IT

    Article: AN0002416Updated: 16.03.2020

    There are below stated roles available in the default installation in model IT. These are user roles, which enable access to data, displaying pages and interaction with other objects (buttons etc.) - do not confuse with built-in roles Administrator and IT model owner.

    During implementation perform a detailed roles review by means of the Mass roles administration (Administration / Access control / Role administration). Based on your situation (size of the organization, organizational structure) decide about using suitable roles and verify necessary access level to particular objects. You do not have to use some roles at all. Simply do not assign them to users or disable them in the role administration.

    In case that you are doring a gradual implementation and you are beginning just with some classes (e.g. devices, machines, applications but not yet classes of the operations or project layer), it is important to verify access permissions especially for these very classes, with which you are beginning.


    Role name Description
    Application Administrator

    Edit: Classes of application and data layer, Work schedule, Incidents, Certificates, Problems, Releases, Test cases for test rounds, Tasks, Defects (within testing), Workarounds, CI dependencies, Known errors, Changes, Change requests (RFC)

    Read: Classes of datacenter layer, hardware, system, process and service layer

    Business analyst Read: Applications, Applications in release, Priorities, Releases, Change requests (RFC)
    Business project manager

    Edit: Tasks

    Read: Work schedule, Priorities, Releases, Change requests (RFC)

    Domain manager

    Edit: Classes of process layer, master data for the area of testing, Applications, BIA questionnaires, Detailed requirements, Project phases, Rest rounds, Steps of test scenarios, Test cases, Test cases for test rounds, Test scenarios, Tasks, Defects (within testing)

    Read: Classes of application and data layer, Business services, Work schedule, Configuration items, Priorities, Projects, Releases, Interfaces, Services, Tables, Change requests (RFC)

    External developer Edit: Defects (within testing)
    IT Analyst

    Edit: Rozhraní, Tasks

    Read: Classes of application, data and process layer, Master data, Configuration items, Machine (OS server), Patches on servers, Projects, Releases, Services, Devices, Change requests (RFC)

    IT Application manager

    Edit: Classes of application and data layer, Work schedule, Incidents, Certificates, Problems, Releases, Test cases for test rounds, Tasks, Defects (within testing), CI dependencies, Changes, Change requests (RFC)

    Read: CI support, Detailed requirements

    IT Application teamleader

    Edit: Classes of application and data layer, Work schedule, Incidents, Certificates, Problems, Releases, Test cases for test rounds, Tasks, Defects (within testing), CI dependencies, Changes, Change requests (RFC)

    Read: CI support, Detailed requirements

    IT Architect Edit: All classes
    IT Developer

    Edit: Applications in release, Test cases for test rounds, Tasks, Defects (within testing), CI dependencies, Change requests (RFC)

    Read: CI support, Detailed requirements, Machine (OS), Releases, Test cases, Test scenarios

    IT Helpdesk

    Edit: Incidents, Certificates, Problems, Changes, Known Errors

    Read: Classes of application layer, CI support, Work schedule, Configuration items, Machine (OS), Priorities, Projects, Releases, Services, Tasks, Workarounds, Devices, CI dependencies, Change requests (RFC)

    IT Manager

    Edit: Priorities, Tasks

    Read: Classes of datacenter, hardware, network, system, application, data, service, process, operations and project layer

    IT Project manager

    Edit: Detailed requirements, Project phases, Work schedule, Test rounds, Requested resources - monthly, Priorities, Releases, Project roadmap, Test cases, Test cases for test rounds, Test scenarios, Tasks, Defects (within testing), Project resources, Changes, Change requests (RFC)

    Read: Classes of hardware, system, application, data, service, process and operations layer

    IT Security officer

    Read: Classes of datacenter, hardware, system, application, data, service, process and operations layer, Detailed requirements, Changes

    Network adinistrator

    Edit: Classes of the network layer, Machine (OS), Tasks, Devices, CI dependencies

    Read: Classes of datacenter layer, Services


    Edit: Project phases, Test rounds, Project portfolios, Requested resources - monthly, Programmes, Projects, Project roadmap, Tasks, Project resources, Changes

    Read: Classes of datacenter, application and data layer, Incidents, Configuration items, Licenses, Machine (OS), Maintenance, Releases, Services, Devices, Known errors

    Powershell Read: Work schedule
    Process manager

    Edit: Classes of process layer, BIA questionnaires, Detailed requirements, Project phases, Test rounds

    Read: Classes of application and data layer, Configuration items, Priorities, Projects, Services, Change requests (RFC)

    Release coordinator

    Edit: Applications in release, Releases, Tasks

    Read: Change requests (RFC)

    Service partner Read: Service requests - only own records
    System Administrator

    Edit:  Classes of datacenter, hardware, network, system, application and data layer, Work schedule, Incidents, Patch categories, Priorities, Problems, Workarounds, Known errors, Changes

    Read: Maintenance, MS Active Directory items, Processes, Projects, Service requests, Services, Tasks, Defects (within testing), Change requests (RFC)

    All authenticated users

    Edit: Incidents, Requested resources - monthly - access only to own records and records of subordinates, Timesheet - access only to own records, Workflow prequests - access only to own records a records of subordinates, Change requests (RFC)

    Read: Work schedule, Releases

    Workstation administrator

    Edit: Applications, Work schedule, Incidents, Cables, Licenses, License keys, Priorities, Problems, Service requests, Tasks, Defects (within testing), Workarounds, Devices, CI dependencies, Known errors, Changes

    Read:  Classes of datacenter, hardware, application, data and process layer, Services, Configuration items, Machine (OS server), Projects, Releases, Test cases, Test cases for test rounds, Test scenarios, Change requests (RFC)

