1. Webpart Display the rating

    Article: AN0002258Updated: 07.11.2018
    • Webpart code - Webpart code. It has to be unique among codes of webparts on the given page.
    • Webpart title - Webpart title. If you do not define it, the webpart will be at display without title.
    • Display webpart style - When checked webpart frame will be displayed. When not checked, only webpart content will be displayed.
    • Class for saving the rating - Selection of class, in which particular savings by users shall be stored.
    • Column for rating - Column of the type integer, in which integer value from the rating shall be stored.
    • Column for the rating person - Column of the type reference to a user, in which information about the rating person shall be stored.
    • Column with link to the rating owner - Column of the type value from a referenced class, in which information about about a rated record will be stored.
    • Class of the rating owner - Display of the class name, to which referes Column with link to the rating owner.
    • Column for the result rating - Column of the type integer in the Class of the rating owner, in which the result value shall be stored.
    • Button Save - After finishing webpart configuration save it by clicking on this button.

    See also function description of the webpart Display the rating.
