Article: AN0002395Updated: 27.01.2019
Once new columns have been created in a class, they get displayed automatically at the end of the list of records and also at the end of the form for record detail. We can suppress their display or move them to another place in the list of records or in the record detal. New columns are automatically added to the responsive Layout marked in the page with form design as 2 columns (dyn). By a simple change in the settings we achieve that some control elements will be over the whole form width and others will stay in two columns. The settings is done on page Form appearance by means of an icon at each column - highlighted by the red frame around the icon in the picture below.

The resulting screen then looks like this:

Such an appearance will do for many forms. All the columns created by the user are in section called Basic Properties and system columns are then on tab Audit Trail. Form is fully responsive. This means that the columns will appear one below another, not in two columns, in mobile screen.
However, when we have many types of information, it will be better to structure the record more - put related columns together, split them into groups, insert separators, tabs etc.
In the below picture we can see that the record is split into three taps. The first tab contains key information about the project. The form shows also two separators Basic properties and Impact on Configuration Items.
Please notice that compared to the previous screen the record uses another colour scheme and that there is not a text in the headline in the standard format Detail Class name - ID number. That`s beacuse we have set in the class in the property Format of the class name in the record detail following:
Project: {{column.code}} - {{}}
This description of the record will be more clear to users.

The second tab contains information about people participating in the project both project team and steering committee.

The third tab contains elements of project classification. Please notice that separators have now different colour because we have adjusted the colour scheme to better respond to our needs.
Please also notice that controls in the first group are sorted by four. This was achieved by the respective Layout element.
Same like with columns we can use tooltips with group names. Small question mark icon appears at the group name if the tooltip is defined. All the texts are localized, so if the given form is displayed by somebody with another language, texts in his or her language will be displayed.
There can be also inserted self-contained texts adding information to the groups, Audit-Trail group can be removed or moved to another place or we can insert just particular system columns that we are interested in.
We can see in the below screens also customized logo in th upper left corner that can ensure proper branding.