Article: AN0002099Updated: 25.01.2021
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After editing the webpart save it by button Save. |
- Webpart code - Webpart code. It has to be unique among codes of webparts on the given page.
- Webpart title - Webpart title. If you do not define it, the webpart will be at display without title.
- Display webpart style - When checked webpart frame will be displayed. When not checked, only webpart content will be displayed.
- CSS class - CSS class for definition of the webpart style.
- Round - When checked off, the bar displaying the value will be rounded at the ends.
- Draw from beginning - If checked off, the bar will display the progress from the beginning (value 0) to the value. When it is not check off, the bar will be placed only around the displayed value.
- Display percents - If checked off, the sign of % will be added to the displayed digit.
- Draw as remainder - If checked the circle is drawn as if the Value remained to the Maximum value. If it is not checked the circle represents progress of the increasing value towards the Maximum value.
- Shift of beginning - If you do not want the beginning of the bar to start at the top, but it should be shifted, state here a number in degrees (0-360) saying how much the bar shall be shifted in the positive shift direction.
- Column count - In case that webpart displayes more values (taken over from a class or query), this setting defines, how many of the shall be placed each next to another in one row.
- Width - The width of particular bars.
- Colour - The colour of the bar. This setting is used, if the Column with colour is not selected (see below).
- Title - The title displayed in bold above the displayed value. This setting is used, if the Column with title is not selected (see below).
- Description - The description displayed in a small font under the displayed value. This setting is used, if the Column with description is not selected (see below).
- Value - The displayed value. This setting is used, if the Column with value is not selected (see below).
- Maximum value -The limit value, at which the circle of the webpart will be displayed as a complete one. If the value in the Column with value will be lesser, the circle will not be complete. This setting is used, if the Column with maximum value is not selected (see below). Value 0 is considered as mimimum.
- Url - Url of the link in the displayed value. This setting is used, if the Column with url is not selected (see below).
- Class - Selection of class, from which the values shall be displayed. In case it is selected, above stated Colour, Title, Description and Value will not be used and on the contrary hereinafter stated fileds Column with... will be used.
- Query - Selection of query, from which the values shall be displayed. In case it is selected, above stated Colour, Title, Description and Value will not be used and on the contrary hereinafter stated fileds Column with... will be used.
- Record filter - Selection of records from the class/query, which should be displayed.
- Column with title - Column of the class/query, from which the title to the displayed value will be taken.
- Column with description - Column of the class/query, from which the description to the displayed value will be taken.
- Column with value - Column of the class/query, from which the value will be taken.
- Column with maximum value - Column of the class/query, from which the maximum value will be taken. Value 0 is considered as mimimum.
- Column with colour - Column of the class/query, from which the colour of the displayed bar will be taken.
- Column with url - Column of the class/query, from which url of the link in the displayed value will be taken.
- Order in ascending way according to the column - Column of the class/query, from which the order of the particular displayed bar will be taken.
Button Save - After finishing webpart configuration save it by clicking on this button.
See also function description of the webpart Percentage value display.