1. List of exports

    Article: AN0002146Updated: 10.10.2018

    There is list of exports displayed on this page.


    Icon Description
    Creation of a new export.
    Reload of the export list.

    Settings of the record list

    Display also deleted exports

    Selection of displaying all (also logically deleted) exports.

    Grid - list of exports

    • Id - Internal identifier of the export. Link to the export detail.
    • - Context menu with further export options.
    • Code - Export code.
    • Name - Name of export.
    • Description - Description of the export.
    • Type - Type of the exported file.
    • Class/Query - Name of the model and of the class/query, that is subject of the export.
    • Enabled - Information if the export is enabled. By clicking on Yes/No you will switch this option.
    • Red cross - Deletion of the export.