1. Button detail

    Article: AN0002114Updated: 09.10.2024

    There is button detail defined on this page.


    Icon Description
    Return to the list of buttns of the class.
    Creation of a new button.
    Saving changes in the button.
    Buttton deletion.

    Tab: Basic properties

    Section: Settings

    • Class - Name of the class in which the button is defined.
    • Id - Internal identifier of the button.
    • Code - Identifier of the button that is used by export and import of the model metadata between various instances of the application.
    • Enabled - Indicates, whether the button is enabled for display.
    • Name - Button name.
    • Tooltip - Help that will be displayed after moving mouse cursor on the button.
    • Confirmation query - Text of the query, that is displayed to the user after pressing the button. The user has then a possibility to confirm or to cancel the action. If the field is not filled in, no query is displayed and the button action is immediatelly started.
    • Picture - Icon displayed in the button.
    • Order - The order of the button. Positive numbers cause a button to appear to the right of the system buttons. Negative numbers cause the button to appear towards and between the system buttons.


    The order of the system buttons for the record list is:

    Button Order
    3x button for Filter Far left. You cannot place a user-defined button in front of these buttons.
    Back -700
    New -600
    Restore -400
    Mass change -300
    Mass deletion -200
    Display calendar -100


    The order of the system keys for the record detail is:

    Button Order
    Back -700
    New -600
    As new -500
    Save -400
    Delete -300
    Archive -200
    Detail archive -100


    • Style - Bootstrap style of the button. If the style is not set, the "Secondary (framing)" value is used.


    Section: When to display

    • Display in the list on toolbar - Defines if the button shall be displayed on toolbar in the list of record.
    • Display in the list in context menu - Defines if the button shall be displayed in the context menu in the list of records (icon next to the record Id).
    • Display in the line of the list - Defines if the button shall be displayed in the line of the record in the list of records (right of the record Id).
    • Display in the detail on toolbar - Defines if the button shall be displayed on toolbar in the record detail.
    • Display in the detail in context menu - Defines if the button shall be displayed in the context menu of the record detail (context menu icon on toolbar).
    • Display by the change of record - Defines if the button shall be displayed, when already created record is edited.
    • Display by disabled change of records - Defines if the button shall be displayed if modification of records is disabled.
    • Display by record creation - Defines if the button shall be displayed if new record is created.
    • Display for deleted records - Defines if the button shall be displayed also for logically deleted records.
    • Display for archive records - Defines if the button shall be displayed also for archived records.
    • Display in records in the master-detail relation - Defines, in which master-detail relations the button should be displayed (in the particular records of the master-detail relation). Master-detail relations of type Record archive and Reference to query are not included here.

    Section: What to perform

    • Type - Selection of the action type that shall be performed.
    • Subtype - Specification of the action that shall be carried out.

    Based on the selected Type, that shall be carried out further controls are displayed:.

    • Class - Selection of the class whose records shall be displayed or in which a form for a new record creation shall be opened (based on the selected Subtype).
    • Query - Selection of the query whose records shall be displayed.
    • Page - Selection of the page that shall be displayed.
    • Export - Selection of the export that shall be started or whose log shall be shall be displayed (based on the selected Subtype).
    • Import - Selection of the import that shall be started or whose log shall be shall be displayed (based on the selected Subtype).
    • WWW link - URL of the link that shall be opened.
    • Name of the window for the reference - Enter "_blank" for opening always in a new tab or name of the window for opening.
    • Procedure - Name of the procedure that shall be started.
    • Scheme - Name of the scheme that shall be displayed.
    • Data selection - Definition of filter, that shall be applied, when class or query data will be displayed by the button.

    Section: Audit trail

    • Created by - User that created the record (button).
    • Created when - Date and time of record (button) creation.
    • Changed by - User that changed whatever data in the record (button) the last time.
    • Changed when - Date and time of the last change in the record (button).

    Tab: Roles and display

    Section: List of roles

    • Role - Selection of role to which the permission shall be assigned.
    • Operation - Selection of permisssion.
      • Display - The user is authorized to display the button. If the button makes accessible object or operation, to that the user ios not authorized, the button will not be displayed. 