1. Variables in notifications

    Article: AN0001943Updated: 03.12.2018

    List of possible notifications depends on the place from which the notification is called - class, import, export... The list hereinafter displays them in detail.


    Property Description Use



    Returns value of a parameter that does not belong to any model. Class, Class rule, ATO, Import, Export, Workflow activity
    model.id Returns model id. Class, Class rule, ATO, Import, Export, Workflow activity
    model.name Returns model name. Class, Class rule, ATO, Import, Export, Workflow activity
    model.code Returns model code. Class, Class rule, ATO, Import, Export, Workflow activity



    Returns value of a parameter that belongs to a model. Class, Class rule, ATO, Import, Export, Workflow activity
    column.column_code Returns value of a column from the actual class. Class, Class rule, ATO
    class.id Returns class id. Class, Class rule, ATO
    class.name Returns class name. Class, Class rule, ATO
    class.code Returns class code. Class, Class rule, ATO
    parent. Goes to the parent class of the actual class and record. Class, Class rule, ATO
        parent.column.column_code Returns value of a column from the parent class of the actual class. Class, Class rule, ATO
        parent.parent.column.column_code Returns value of a column from the parent parent class of the actual class. Class, Class rule, ATO
        parent.class.name Returns parent class name. Class, Class rule, ATO
    firstparent. Goes to the first(top) parent class of the actual class and record. Class, Class rule, ATO
        firstparent.column.column_code Returns value of a column from the first(top) parent class of the actual class. Class, Class rule, ATO
    child. Goes to the child class of the actual class and record. Class, Class rule, ATO
        child.column.column_code Returns value of a column from the child class of the actual class according to the actual record. Class, Class rule, ATO
    lastchild. Goes to the last child class of the actual class and record. Class, Class rule, ATO
        lastchild.column_code Returns value of a column from the last child class of the actual class according to the actual record. Class, Class rule, ATO

    You can state properties parent and child repeatedly one after another and in this way go to parent or child classes to a whatever level of class hierarchy for the actual record.

    There should be property column... or class... stated behind properties parent, child, firstparent and lastchild.


    HTML format and new line

    If you use HTML format (option Send in HTML format), it is necessary to replace characters for the new line by a line break html element. This applies to long texts where new line can be used.

    Therefore, instead of {{column.description}} use {{(nl2br).column.description}}.

    If the notification body contains also other texts (e.g. from other columns), line break tag br has to be added at the end of each line.

    Variables when calling from script

    When calling from a script by means of object OG.Email some functions have parameter variable. It is a Hashtable table, into which you can pass whatever parameter and use it in notification. However, this notification has to be called from the script where the variables are defined. Otherwise, they will not be available.

    Variables when calling from class / query

    Variables are available in rule Send notification

    Name Description
    DataRow.Url Link to a detailed form with the record.

    Variables when calling from export

    Variables are available when the notification is sent after processing the export. 

    Parameter Description
    Export.Id Returns internal identifier (Id) of the export.
    Export.Name Returns export name.
    Export.ResultRow Returns number of rows in the export.
    Export.ResultStatus Returns export result.
    Export.Person.Id Returns internal identifier (Id) of the user that executed the export.
    Export.Person.FullName Returns display name of the user that executed the export.
    Export.StartTime Returns date and time of the export start.
    Export.EndTime Returns date and time of the export end.
    Export.FileName Returns name of the exported file.
    Export.ErrorMessage Returns error message from the export.
    Export.DetailUrl Returns Url to the page with export detail.
    Export.RunsUrl Returns Url to the page with an overview of the export runs.

     Variables when calling from import

    Variables are available when the notification is sent after processing the import.

    Parameter Description
    Import.Id Returns internal identifier (Id) of the import.
    Import.Name Returns import name.
    Import.StartTime Returns date and time of the import start.
    Import.EndTime Returns date and time of the import end.
    Import.Person.Id Returns internal identifier (Id) of the user that executed the import.
    Import.Person.Fullname Returns display name of the user that executed the import.
    Import.Filename Returns name of the imported file.
    Import.ResultStatus Returns import result.
    Import.FileSize Returns size of the imported file.
    Import.FileRowCount Returns number of rows in the import file.
    Import.InsertRowCount Returns number of rows inserted into class from the import file.
    Import.UpdateRowCount Returns number of rows updated in the class from the import file.
    Import.DeleteRowCount Returns number of rows deleted from the class before import start.
    Import.DeleteBeforeRowCount Returns number of rows deleted from the class, because they were not in the import file.
    Import.DeleteAfterRowCount Returns number of rows deleted from the class, because they were in the import file.
    Import.SetNullRowCount Returns number of rows for which NULL was set.
    Import.ErrorMessage Returns error message from the import.
    Import.DetailUrl Returns Url to the page with import detail.
    Import.RunId Id of the import start.
    Import.RunsUrl Returns Url to the page with an overview of the import runs.
    Import.RunLogUrl Returns Url to the page with a detailed overview of a single import start.

