Article: AN0001805Updated: 11.04.2020
The fundamental entity of this layer is a common parent All application instances, that unifies entities Installed appplications, particular Instances of installed applications on Servers (Machine (OS server)), External systems outside of direct organization influence, Business applications, particular Instances of business applications and Instances of integration layers. These entities have in common the fact, that they can be picked up in Interfaces depending on necessary level of detail.
Apart from source and target application instance there can be also Integration layer interface and Integration layer object defined in an interface. At the same time transfered data entity may be mentioned in an interface. This data entity may have Master system/Application (All_Application_instances), in which it is administered.
Business application instances are used in Processes and Subprocesses. Business application instances have RTO (Recovery Time Objective) set, same like processes and subprocesses, that defines, till when the given application or process shall be restored.
In case of a large number of business applications it is suitable to catagorize them e.g. according to Application architecture or Sourcing type and distinguish between applications developed by internal sources, applications developed externally on order, out-of-box applications or customized packages.
In case of large corporations with a large application portfolio it is suitable to categorize applications into Application domains or subdomains, according to the business, that they support.
Application instances are often composed of a number of Application components, that determine which server in which role is for the given application used. Communication of these components is captured in the entity Application component communication.
There can be also Batches and their prerequisites (Prerequisite batches) captured in the model.
Before implementation the model should be adjusted to the particular situation and needs of each customer.
Configuration database (CMDB) and process Configuration management are introduced also in the ObjectGears website.