1. Erroneous user account

    Article: AN0001945Updated:

    If you create a ńew user with an erroneous account and you are using Windows authentication, user cannot login and gets a message about access denial. The error is sometimes not obvious and consist in a missing or erroneous character.

    After creating anew user you cannot change the account through the application interface. If you want to change the account, you can perform it by a direct update in the database - in the table Person in the table aspnet_Users

    USE [Your_OG_database]

    UPDATE [dbo].[Person]
       SET [Account] = 'CorrectDomain\CorrectAccount'
    WHERE [Id] = Id of the user


    USE [Your_OG_database]

    UPDATE [dbo].[aspnet_Users]
    SET [UserName] = 'CorrectDomain\CorrectAccount'
       ,[LoweredUserName] = 'correctdomain\correctaccount'
    WHERE [Id] = Id of the user
