Article: AN0001937Updated:
You will display the list of defined ObjectGears system instances by clicking on button Instance that is located on toolbar.

By clicking on instance name you will display basic information about the instance in the middle panel.
Instance folders
Particular instance can be split into folders for clarity.
In order to create a folder click in the tree in the left panel on item in which the new subfolder shall be located. Then click on button New folder in the panel on the right.
New instance
Select first folder in the left panel in which you want to create a new instance..
After clicking on button New instance a form for entering fundamental instance parameters will pop up. Web folder and connection string are mandatory. If you do not plan to use some of ObjectGears system parts (except for web), do not define folder for it. This part will be then skipped during installation which will make it faster.
It is necessary to perform several steps for creating an instance. Some of the steps cannot be performed by installer and you will need to do them manually. This includes database creation, creation of necessary accounts, folders, web on MS IIS etc. You can find more detailed information in System installation and configuration. Installer installs new files on such prepared instance and walks you through the whole process.
Instance detail
You will display detailed form by clicking on instance name or Instance detail button. You can also display log of installations to the given instance.
At the time of creating new instance only the first tab Properties is available. Other tabs are displayed only after saving the instance.

Instance properties
Name |
Description |
Name |
Instance name. |
Type |
Distinguishes between production, test and development instance. The property has only informatory meaning. |
Web folder |
Folder where the web part of the ObjectGears system is installed. |
Piklo folder |
Folder where the Piklo program which is part of the ObjectGears system is installed. |
Admin tool folder |
Folder where the Admin tool for the ObjectGears system is installed. |
Windows service folder |
Folder where the Windows service of the ObjectGears system is installed. |
Connection string to DB |
Connection string for connection into the database of the given instance. Button Test checks whether you have defined it correctly. |
Description |
Your description of the instance. |
Instances are backed up during package installation. However, user can can´cancel this default setting at the time of each installation. You can find all the back up data on tab Back up.

Tab Installed contains information about all packages that were installed on the given instance in the past.