1. Rules

    Article: AN0001891Updated:

    Mandatory column fulfilment based on value in another column - Rule Condition

    This example checks, if there is set value in column Real resolution time, when saving a record in the class Incident with status Closed.

    Rule type: Before existing record save - Condition


    (column('status') == 3) && (IsNull(column('real-resolution'),'default') == 'default')

    Error message: When closing the an incident it is necessary to set the column 'Real resolution time'.


    Mandatory column fulfilment based on value in another column - Rule Script

    This example checks, if the column 'display_to_users' is checked at the time of record saving. If it is checked and columns 'affected_services' and 'description' are not filled in, it will return a localised message 'work_schedule_display_to_users'.

    Typ pravidla: Před uložením nového záznamu - Skript

    Typ pravidla: Před uložením existujícího záznamu - Skript

    //If column 'display_to_users' is Yes, columns 'affected_services' and 'description' cannot be Null.
    if (OGActualDataRow['display_to_users'])
        var afse = OGActualDataRow['affected_services'];
        var desc = OGActualDataRow['description'] ;
        if ( afse == '' || afse == null || desc == ''  || desc == null)
            OGActualMessage.SetError( OG.MessageLoc.GetText(2, 'work_schedule_display_to_users'));
            return true;

