Article: AN0001885Updated: 10.06.2020
CASE in SELECT clause:
- CAST(0 AS BIT) AS Escalated
- CASE WHENt.escalate = 1 then '\ImagesData\all icons\exclamation.png' else '' end AS Escalated
- '415-' + convert( varchar, AS FullId
- ISNULL( t.[deadline] , CONVERT(Datetime, '9999-012-31 00:00:00', 120)) AS Order_date
Conversion of the date in format date and time to a simple date:
- CONVERT(DATE,, 101) date
Function returning id of current user:
Function returning id of a given class:
- {{}}
We will use this function if the query should return e.g. fullId of a record, that we want to use in an URL link in a certain query column. Instead of example '415-' + convert( varchar, AS FullId, which we can see above, we would use e.g. '{{}}-' + convert( varchar, This will ensure portability.