Article: AN0001814Updated: 23.05.2021
This layer contains entities Technical service and Business service služeb (Business service) in the ITIL version 3 concept (see official ITIL website, ITIL on Wikipedia). Both types of services can use certain Cost model. Services use Configuration items (CI), that are present in this layer and other layers.
Other important entities are CI support and Service contract. CI support keeps records about contractual coverage of configuration items, no matter if it is licence maintenance (subscription of new versions produced by the software vendor), service support in case of incidents and problems, that internal staff fails to solve or warranty or after-warranty service by hardware vendor. This configuration item coverage can be of various Type (Service support type) and is based on a certain Service contract.
Based on service contract Service requests can be created, which represent passing over Incident, identified Problem or assigned Task to a Service partner. There can be organization structure defined on the class Service partner, that enables management of access rights on level of individual records. This enables sharing evidence of service requests with various service partners, where service partners can see only service requests assigned to them. (This enables to centralize information about solving service requests by external partners and let partners to keep records about work progress directly in the customer own database. Ordinary need to respond to emails generated from various service system of various partners falls back.)
Before implementation the model should be adjusted to the particular situation and needs of each customer.

Configuration database (CMDB) and process Configuration management are introduced also in the ObjectGears website.