When displaying data from a class or query in the list of records, it is possible to enable the quick filter to filter the records in a simple way.
However, it is also possible to enter the filter directly in the URL and filter the records immediatelly. This can be successfully used e.g. by:
- Clicking on the record in a query, where the query shows summary information, leads to display of all the records underlying the summary number. E.g.: if there is number of all New tasks for particular users in the query, than clicking on this number can lead to the class Task and filtering these particular new tasks.
- You can refer to particular records from an external application.
- You can save URL with a filter to often checked records. Supposing users check daily records of particular status, these records can be displayed with a simple filter associated to a button.
Filter definition
The filter is composed of particular conditions separated by logical operators AND and OR utilizing also brackets. Filter syntax is following:
columncode1 - code of column, in which we want to filter. if we want to filter in a column inherited from a parent class, we have to state code of the parent class, in which the column is defined and separate it by a dot - parentclasscode.columncode
CONDITIONOPERATOR1 - operator of condition for comparing the filtered value (e.g. EQ, CONTAINS etc.)
data1 - the input value that we want to compare with values in the column. It is necessary to put sign ~ behind the value. If this sign is present in the input value we have to double it (e.g. &filter=shorttext1CONTAINS~~at~).
Example 1: Filtering records, where value in column name equals value "text" taken over from URL

Example 2: Filtering records with time in column date1 that equal yesterday

Example 3: Filtering records meeting at least one of the first three conditions and the fourth condition at the same time

Example 4: Filtering values in column date1, that are greater than current time

Example 5: Comparing values in column date1 with date time value taken over from URL
Datas.aspx?CId=579&filter=date1LT28_02_2015 23_59~

Example 6: Comparing values in two class columns

Example 7: Comparing values in a inherited column of type referencePorovnání hodnot ve zděděném sloupci typu odkaz na jinou třídu a vlastním sloupci třídy typu odkaz na jinou třídu

Example 8: Filtering records of a certain child class

For the condition operator use one of following possibilities
Name |
Operator |
Description |
Eq |
= |
The value from URL is equal to the value in the column |
Neq |
!= |
The value from URL is not equal to the value in the column |
Le |
<= |
The value from URL is less than or equal to the value in the column |
Lt |
< |
The value from URL is less than the value in the column |
Ge |
>= |
The value from URL is greater than or equal to the value in the column |
Gt |
> |
The value from URL is greater than the value in the column |
IsNull |
The value in URL is null |
IsNotNull |
The value in URL is not null |
Contain |
The string in the column contains the string from URL |
NotContain |
The string in the column does not contain the string from URL |
StartWith |
The string in the column starts with the string from URL |
NotStartWith |
The string in the column does not start with the string from URL |
EndWith |
The string in the column ends with the string from URL |
NotEndWith |
The string in the column does not end with the string from URL |
Eg(Column) |
=(Column) |
The value from the column 1 from URL is equal to the value in the column 2 from URL |
Neg(Column) |
!=(Column) |
The value from the column 1 from URL is not equal to the value in the column 2 from URL |
Gt(Column) |
>(Column) |
The value from the column 1 from URL is greater than the value in the column 2 from URL |
Ge(Column) |
>=(Column) |
The value from the column 1 from URL is greater than or equal to the value in the column 2 from URL |
Lt(Column) |
<(Column) |
The value from the column 1 from URL is less than the value in the column 2 from URL |
Le(Column) |
<=(Column) |
The value from the column 1 from URL is less than or equal to the value in the column 2 from URL |
= (length) |
The string length in column is equal to the value from URL |
!= (length) |
The string length in column is not equal to the value from URL |
< (length) |
The string length in column is less than the value from URL |
<= (length) |
The string length in column is less than or equal to the value from URL |
> (length) |
The string length in column is greater than the value from URL |
>= (length) |
The string length in column is greater than or equal the value from URL |
Values for operator ININTERVAL
Operator value |
Description |
Yesterday |
Yesterday (00:00:00 - 23:59:59) |
Today |
Today (00:00:00 - 23:59:59) |
Tomorrow |
Tomorrow (00:00:00 - 23:59:59) |
PreviousWeek |
Previous week |
ThisWeek |
This week |
NextWeek |
Next week |
PreviousMonth |
Previous month |
ThisMonth |
This month |
NextMonth |
Next month |
PreviousQuarter |
Previous quarter |
ThisQuarter |
This quarter |
NextQuarter |
Next quarter |
PreviousYear |
Previous year |
ThisYear |
This year |
NextYear |
Next year |
PreviousHour |
Previous hour (xx:00 - xx:59) |
ThisHour |
This hour (xx:00 - xx:59) |
NexHour |
next hour (xx:00 - xx:59) |
Values for condition operators =,!=,>,>=,<,<=
Operator value |
Description |
Datetime |
Folows definition of date and time (format according to the column) |
Now |
Now |
Before15Minutes |
Before 15 minutes |
Before30Minutes |
Before 30 minutes |
Before45Minutes |
Before 45 minutes |