Article: AN0002275Updated: 13.12.2018
Tab Script
- Webpart code - Webpart code. It has to be unique among codes of webparts on the given page.
- Webpart title - Webpart title. If you do not define it, the webpart will be at display without title and frame.
Tab Script events
- This script contains functions for events, e.g. click on a button on toolbar.
Tab Styles
- Url of the file with styles - Definition of the url link to a file with styles. You have to save this file on server.
- Styles - Definition of own styles that will be pasted into the page with webpart.
Tab Javascript
- Url of the file with JavaScript - Definition of the url link to a file with javascript. You have to save this file on server.
- Javascript - Definition of own javascript that will be pasted into the page with webpart.
Button Save - After finishing webpart configuration save it by clicking on this button.
See also function description of the webpart Script.