1. Rule detail

    Article: AN0002265Updated: 07.11.2018

    You can see rule detail on this page. Depending on the type of the object, to which the rule relates (class, column), only some of below properties may be available.


    Icon Description
    Return to the list of rules.
    Creation of a new rule.
    Saving changes in the rule.
    Deletion of the rule.

    Tab: Basic properties

    Section: Basic properties

    • Class - It defines class to which the rule belongs.
    • Column - It defines column to which the rule belongs.
    • Id - Internal identifier used by the application.
    • Code - Rule identifier, that is used by export and import of the model metadata between various application instances.
    • Order - It defines the order of the rule evaluation. Rules with higher order are evaluated later and in case of collision with rules of the lower order get priority.
    • Enabled - It informs wheather the rule is enabled and therefore active.
    • Description - Description of the rule.
    • Event type - Type of event by which rule is applied.
    • Action type - Type of action that the rule performs.
    • Functional description - Description of rule function.

    Section: Set value

    • It is displayed only if the action type Set or calculate value was chosen.
    • Set a value or a formula.

    Section: Set look

    • It is displayed only if the action type Set formatting was chosen.
    • Set formatting for particular columns or row background. You can set an expresssion in the control 'Condition', which will be evaluated for each class record and formatting applied to the record only if the condition is met.

    Section: Condition

    • It is displayed only if the action type Condition was chosen.
    • Define an expression, which shall be evaluated in the control Condition.
    • Put a message that will be displayed, if the user tries to save to record and the condition is met, in the control 'Error message'. In such a case record will not be saved and error message will be displayed instead.

    Section: Send notification

    • It is displayed only if the action type Send notification was chosen.
    • In the control 'Name of the notification group' we can define name of the group, that will be common for more notifications. Notifications are processed according to their order. The rule is that each user receives only one message within all notifications having the same common Name of the notification group. This can be used when certain users shall receive various notifications. We will create several notifications with the same name of the notification group. We set lower order to specific notifications (they will be processed sooner) than to general once. We will have specific users and specific texts in the notifications with lower order and broader range of users and general texts in the notifications with higher order. Each user will receive only one notification. If there is a specific notification sent to the given user according to the rule with lower order, the user will not receive general notifications according to the rules with higher order.
    • Define an expresssion that shall be evaluated in the control 'Condition for sending'.
    • You can enter a function for finding out notification code in the control 'Notification code calculation'. This enables sending different notifications depending on record data (e.g. Task status).
    • You can choose a notification that shall be sent in the control 'Notification'. If also 'Notification code calculation' is defined and notification with a calculated code exist, notification according to the calculated code is sent instead of notification chosen in this control.
    • Choose a distribution group in the control 'Distribution group' to which a notification shall be sent.
    • You can select a column of type Reference to user in the combobox 'Send to users in cloumn'. Notification will then be sent to user/users, that are contained in this column of the given record.

    Section: Start script

    • Check the mandatory columns first - defines whether mandatory columns are filled in before executing the script.
    • Script - definition of the script.

    Section: Audit trail

    • There is system information about the rule record displayed here: who and when created the record and who and when changed the record the last time.
    • Section Audit trail is packed in the default state. You can unpack it or pack it again by clicking on its name 'Audit trail'.