1. Detail of the master-detail relation

    Article: AN0002103Updated: 27.12.2020

    Set up of the master-detail relation.


    Icon Description
    Return to the list of master-detail relation.
    Creation of a new master-detail relation.
    Saving changes in the master-detail relation.
    Deletion of the master-detail relation.

    TAB - Basic properties

    Section: Settings

    • Type - Type of the master-detail relation. It determines whether a referred/referring class, referring query or archive records will be displayed
    • Code - Master-detail relation code.
    • Column - Name of the column with the master-detail relation.
    • Class - Name of the class in which the master-detail relation is used.
    • Bookmark name - The text, that will be shown in the tab. If you use the same name with two master-detail relations and set their order so that one follows the other, the records from both relations will be in one tab.
    • Group name - Name of the group of records of one master-detail relation. It is useful when there is more master-detail relations from more columns in one tab.
    • Placement - Placement of the master-detail relation - on top of the record list, below it or in the same level. The last option makes the record detail to be placed on the tab Data.
    • Enable - It defines, whether the master-detail relation shall be displayed in the record detail. If the type of the master-detail relation is Archive and archiving is not enabled in the class detail, then this master-detail relation will not be displayed in the record detail.
    • Display as - It defines the way of display.
    • Enable record selection - It defines, whether there shall be checkboxes for records selection in the master-detail relation.
    • Display button New - It defines, whether icon New enabling to create a new record in the relating class shall be displayed in the given Master-detail relation. The icon is displayed only if the user has granted access right to create a new record in the relating class.
    • Url variables for new record - String, that is inserted into Url after clicking on icon New record in the given Master-detail relation. This string can be utilized in further processing in script/rule.
    • Enable deletion of records - It defines, whether icon of red cross enabling to delete record in the relating class shall be displayed at each record in the given Master-detail relation. The icon is displayed only if the user has granted access right to delete records in the relating class.
    • Record filter - Defines records records that are selected for the pro master-detail relation. User cannot modify this filter.
    • User record filter - Defines user filter that will be applied to the records selected for the pro master-detail relation in the Record filter. User can modify this filter.
    • Order - Defines order of records in the master-detail relation.
    • Column for displaying tree structure - column that displays subordination of records. This property influences also order of the records. This property can be set only if the referred class has set up property Parent column for tree ordering.
    • Display archive for records - This setting is displayed when Type Record archive is selected. Master-detail relation displays then history of record`s data.
    • Display archive for emails - This setting is displayed when Type Record archive is selected. Master-detail relation displays then information about emails sent in relation to the record.
    • Display archive for files - This setting is displayed when Type Record archive is selected. Master-detail relation displays then information about attached files.
    • Description - Description of the relation.

    Section: Audit information

    • Created by - User that created the record (master-detail relation).
    • Created when - Date and time of record (master-detail relation) creation.
    • Changed by - User that changed whatever data in the record (master-detail relation) the last time.
    • Changed when - Date and time of the last change in the record (master-detail relation).

    TAB - Columns

    Section: Columns

    • The selection of columns that shall be displayed in the master-detail relation and their order.