1. Application information

    Article: AN0001550Updated: 20.12.2024

    There are basic properties about the application configuration displayed on this page.


    Icon Description
    Saving changes.
    Database check.
    Clear the cache - clears the cache of the application.
    Modules - leads to the page with the modules list.
    Event log - leads to the page with the event log.
    Application events - it leads to the page with application events.
    Script window - it leads to the page with a window for direct script execution.
    Debug - Opens screen for debugging activities of a certain user.

    Tab: Basic properties

    Section: Basic properties

    • ObjectGears instance name - name of the ObjectGears instance taken over from the web.config file, that is shown e.g. in emails sent by ObjectGears system.
    • Instance environment - classification of the environment in the web.config file (Production, Acceptance, Test, Development). This parameter can be reflected in the scripts` logic. E.g. integration with other systems may be limited in non-production environments.
    • Validity of licence key for updates till - information about date of license key validity end. Application updates issued after this date will not be available. In order to prolong the validity contact your business partner for ObjectGears.
    • Number of users: current/maximum - current number of users in the application (deleted accounts are not counted) and maximum number of users that can work in the system according to number users licenced.
    • Server ID - ID of the server, on which ObjectGears instance is running
    • Administrator login - information about accounts with the role of the administrator.
    • Path to the application on server - path, in which the web of the application is located
    • Web url - address used in links sent by the application
    • Folder for Piklo component
    • Default language - default language, in which the application is displayed to the user, if he does not have another language selected. The value is taken over from web.config. If there is invalid language or language, in which application is not localized, defined in web.config, English (en-EN) localization is used.
    • Logon enabled - information, whether users can logon
    • Creation of new users enabled - information, whether new users can be created in the application
    • Enable web services - defines, whether web services can be used.
    • User delegations enabled - information, whether users can delegate tasks within workflow.
    • User authentication type - authentication by name and password or relying on Windows authentication.
    • Roles assignment to users - information about the way of assigning roles to users.
    • Class extending user properties - Name of the model and class for extension of user properties
    • Column for mapping user properties
    • Column with user phone - defines which column from the class extending user properties holds user phone (for sending SMS notifications).
    • Column with big picture -  column of class extending user properties with a big picture of user. It is used on page User information.
    • Column with small picture -  column of class extending user properties with a small picture of user. It is used as an icon.
    • Org. structure for user selection - organization structure restricting visibility of users in the page for user selection
    • Class for user groups - class for org. structure for user selection
    • Column with users in the class for user groups
    • Max. lenght of attached files - information about the maximum size of files, that can be entered in the application.
    • Email send in blind copy to - Email, to which all email notifications are sent in a blind copy.
    • Email for sending errors

    Tab: Configuration

    Section: Basic properties

    • Default page - selection of the default page of the application. This page is displayed instead of default.aspx page.

    Tab: Information for users

    • Information - localized text of a message, that is displayed to users in all pages in the upper part of the screen.
    • Display from - date and time from when the information shall be displayed to users.
    • Display to - date and time till when the information shall be displayed to users.
    • Enable integration interface - It determines, whether exports und imports, that are marked als Integration export or Integration import, can be started
    • Enable access only for administrators - It determines, whether only administrators and below stated users can access the application. When enabled message from the 'Information' is displayed.
    • Enable access for users - Selection of users, that can access the application when access only for administrators is enabled.