1. Class Rack

    Artikel: AN0002534Aktualisiert: 28.01.2024
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    The class contains the Rack entity of the IT (CMDB) model solution.

    Location and referencing

    Location Code Name
    Model it IT
    Class rack Rack
    Parent class    
    Child classes    
    Script object OG.ClassDef.GetByCode(OGModel.Id, 'rack')
    OG.ClassDef.GetByCode('it', 'rack')


    Overview of class columns (excl. system columns):

    Code Name Type Link information Description
    cl-rack Position - Rack Revers class link (multiple) Position
    Automatically created column.
    code Code Text   Code of the rack.
    description Description Text   Description of the rack.
    name Name Text   Name of the rack.
    picture Picture File   Pictures of the rack.
    room Room Class link (simple)   Room, in which the rack is located.


    Quick filter

    In order users can easily filter the records some columns are selected for a Quick filter.

    Master/detail relations

    Code Column Placement Bookmark name Type
    code_35 Project - Added configuration items Below Projects Reference to class
    code_36 Project - Modified configuration items Below Projects Reference to class
    code_37 Project - Removed configuration items Below Projects Reference to class
    code_176 Position - Rack Below Positions Reference to class

    Potential improvements

    You can improve the solution according to your needs. Here are some tips.

    Add new columns

    Add new columns, if you are going to need them.

    Add buttons

    Add new buttons to automate edits that you would otherwise make one at a time.
