1. Class Task

    Artikel: AN0002489Aktualisiert: 01.01.2024
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    Class contains the task entity of the EasyTask model solution.

    Location and referencing

    Location Code Name
    Model easytask EasyTask
    Class task Task
    Script object OG.ClassDef.GetByCode(OGModel.Id, 'task')
    OG.ClassDef.GetByCode('easytask', 'task')


    Overview of class columns (excl. system columns):

    Code Name Type Link information Description
    assigned_to Assigned to Person link (simple) Person Person that should solve the task.
    category Category Class link (simple) Category Category of the task.
    deadline Deadline Datetime   Target date to resolve the task at the latest.
    description Description Text   Description of the task. Long text with the mode of added comments.
    files Files File   Attachments to the task.
    name Name Text   Name of the task, a short description of what needs to be done.
    priority Priority Class link (simple) Priority Priority of the task.
    project Project Class link (simple) Project Project into which the task belongs to.
    resolved_in_version Resolved in version Class link (simple) Version Version of the software in which the task was resolved.
    status Status Class link (simple) Status Status of the task.



    Code Event type Action type Order Description
    new_record_initialization Before new record detail display Set or calculate value 10 Set default values
    new_notification After new record save Send notification 20 Notification for a new record
    status_closed_or_cancelled Before existing record list display Set formatting 30 Grey background for status Closed or Cancelled
    status_to_be_tested Before existing record list display Set formatting 40 Green background for status To be tested
    my_assigned_to Before existing record list display Set formatting 50 Yellow background for my assigned to
    upd_notification After existing record save Send notification 60 Notification for an updated record
    status_to_be_implemented_or_bug_reported Before existing record list display Set formatting 70 Orange background for status To be implemented or Bug reported

    Quick filter

    In order users can easily filter the records some columns are selected for a Quick filter.

    Potential improvements

    You can improve the solution according to your needs. Here are some tips.

    Add new columns

    Consider adding new columns if needed:

    Name Description
    For release Indicate version for which the task should be completed. In this way you can identify tasks that has to be included in the new version.
    Version Indicate version in which the bug, based on which a task was raised, was identified
    Mandays estimate Indicate estimate of mandays that you will need to spend to resolve the task.
    Mandays actual Indicate actual mandays spent to resolve the task.
    Customer Indicate who requires the task or for whom it is developed.


    Add buttons

    You can add buttons that will navigate user to another pages, e.g. dashboards or that will do a mass change of records, e.g. changing all the records with a status 'Ready for release' to the new status 'To be tested' and setting a new assigned person to a chief tester.

    Distinguish various teams

    If needed you can define a new column with a reference to a team record. After defining Organization structure you can set permissions in the class based on team affiliation. This allows you to share one task repository and separate visibility of tasks between particular teams.

    Use a more sophisticated task management solution

    You can consider using more sophisticated task solution included in the model IT (CMDB).
