1. Text functions

    Artikel: AN0002153Aktualisiert:
    Die vorgegebene Sprachenversion vom Artikeltext wird angezeigt, weil es kein Text von der ausgewählten Sprache und Version gibt.


    Function name and parameters Function description
    Len(string) Returns the text length. (Returned value is data type integer.)
    Trim(string) Returns the input string after starting and ending spaces removal. (Returned value is data type string.)
    TrimTime(date) Returns the date without hours, minutes and second part from the input parameter with date and time. (Returned value is data type date.)
    Left(string, ¨signs_number) Returns string containing number of signs given by the parameter signs_number from the left part of the input string. (Returned value is data type string.)
    Right(string, signs_number) Returns string containing number of signs given by the parameter signs_number from the right part of the input string. (Returned value is data type string.)
    Mid(string, start, signs_number) Returns string containing number of signs given by the parameter signs_number from the sign according to the parameter start from the left part of the input string. (Returned value is data type string.)
    StartWith(text, starts_with_what) Finds out if the string in the first parameter starts with string in the second parameter. (Returned value is data type boolean.)
    Replace(text, what, for_what) Returns the input string after replacing strings in it according to the second parameter for strings according to the third parameter. (Returned value is data type string.)
    IndexOf(text, find_what, start_position) Finds out order of the sign with which string find_what begins in the string text. The search starts from the position start_position. The first position in the text is 0. It returns -1 if the text of find_what is an empty string or find_what is not in the text. (Returned value is data type integer.)
    ToLower(string) It returns the input string after conversion to the lower case. (Returned value is data type string.)
    ToUpper(string) It returns the input string after conversion to the upper case. (Returned value is data type string.)
    Contains(string, what) Finds out if there is string according to the second parameter in the string according to the first parameter. (Returned value is data type boolean.)
    CString(string) Converts input value to a string. (Returned value is data type string.)

    IsMatchRegex( string text, string pattern)

    IsMatchRegex( string text, string pattern, bool ignorecase, bool multiline)

    Finds out, if the text in the first parameter coresponds with a pattern (regular expression) in the second parameter. Parameter ignorecase defines, wheather lower and upper case shall be distinguished. Parameter multiline when set to true enbales to use character ^ for the first row.

    (Returned value is data type boolean.)


    ismatchregex(column('mac'),'[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][:][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][:] [0-9a-f][0-9a-f][:] [0-9a-f][0-9a-f][:] [0-9a-f][0-9a-f][:] [0-9a-f][0-9a-f]')

    Returns true, if the value in the column mac is in MAC adres format.

    ReplaceRegex( string text, string pattern, string replacement)ReplaceRegex(( string text, string pattern, string replacement, bool ignorecase, bool multiline)


