1. Check of workflow completeness

    Artikel: AN0002038Aktualisiert:
    Die vorgegebene Sprachenversion vom Artikeltext wird angezeigt, weil es kein Text von der ausgewählten Sprache und Version gibt.

    Workflow may be executed only if it is fully complete. This means:

    • all its activities are linked
    • all the activities are configured (mandatory attributes are set)


    After creating a new workflow there are two activities placed in the scheme. START and END. Activity Start is not linked and therefore it is has red background in the bottom part.


    At this point workflow cannot be executed. Add the required activities and link them together.


    Now the workflow activities are correctly linked together. However, the activity Skript is indicated in red. In this case it is necessary to display activity properties and fill them in.

    In order to display form with activity properties, move the mouse on the activity and a button will appear in the upper right corner of the activity. Click on it and choose Settings in the context menu.



    After filling in the properties close the form by clicking on button OK. The workflow is complete now. After saving it you can see the completeness indicated in the list of workflow versions in column Complete.



    Now you need just to set the new version as active in order it is used at the next workflow execution.

    Click on the star icon in column Current at the requested version.
