1. Read data from the system

    Artikel: AN0001858Aktualisiert:
    Die vorgegebene Sprachenversion vom Artikeltext wird angezeigt, weil es kein Text von der ausgewählten Sprache und Version gibt.

    This example reads active (not deleted) records from the class Id 100, where there is value end in the column Id 30.

    /* create filter */
    var f = OG.DataRow.GetDataRowFilter( 100);
    f.SetColumnData( 30, 'end');
    f.Filter_OnlyActive = true;

    /* read data */
    var drList = OG.DataRow.GetDataByFilter( f);
    if ( drList != null)
        /* process data */

    Below example reads data from class, that are marked in column 'active' as true and sets for them in column 'column_code_1' value from column 'column_code_2'.

    /* create filter and read the data */
    var f = OG.DataRow.GetDataRowFilter(OGModel, 'topic');
    f['active'] = true;
    f.Filter_Sort = 'order';
    var topics = OG.DataRow.GetDataByFilter(f);
    //go through records
    for( var it = 0; it < topics.Count; ++it)
    var t = topics[it];

    //set value from one column to another
    t['column_code_1'] = t['column_code_2'];

