1. Information about browser

    Artikel: AN0001832Aktualisiert:
    Die vorgegebene Sprachenversion vom Artikeltext wird angezeigt, weil es kein Text von der ausgewählten Sprache und Version gibt.

    In some cases it is worth to find out some information about user browser. E.g. if the user enters a ticket for Service desk, it is good to save also information about user`s browser within the input request. The solver of the incident will then immediately see, wheather there is a problem with an incompatible browser.

    Example of data collection: We will create a rule Before new record save of type Start a script in the class, into which the users enters the data.

    var b = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser;
    var s =
    'Browser = ' + b.Browser + '\n' +
    'Id = ' + b.Id + '\n' +
    'ClrVersion = ' + b.ClrVersion + '\n' +
    'JavaScript = ' + b.JavaScript + '\n' +
    'MajorVersion = ' + b.MajorVersion + '\n' +
    'Platform = ' + b.Platform + '\n' +
    'VBScript = ' + b.VBScript + '\n' +
    'Win16 = ' + b.Win16 + '\n' +
    'Win32 = ' + b.Win32;

    OGActualDataRow['user_client_info'] = s;

    This rule saves the following information into the column user_client_info:

    Browser = IE
    Id = ie9
    ClrVersion = 0.0
    JavaScript = True
    MajorVersion = 9
    Platform = WinNT
    VBScript = True
    Win16 = False
    Win32 = True
