1. WorkTimeConfiguration

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    Configuraton object for reading data for work time calculation. It is possible to set codes of model, classes and columns that are used for calculations.

    If some property is not set (e.g. class), than the given object is not included in calculations. Therefore, some calculatation possibilities can be eliminated and it is not ncessary to create given classes in the model.


    Name Default value Description
    string Model_Code it Model, in which the structure for calendars is defined
    string ClassDef_Calendar_Code calendar Code of the class Calendar
    string Column_Calendar_Code_Code code Code of the Calendar column
    string Column_Calendar_RegularTime_Code regular_time Code of the Regular time column
    string Column_Calendar_Exceptions_Code exceptions Code of the Exceptions column
    string ClassDef_RegularTimes_Code regular_times Code of the class Regular times
    string ClassDef_RegularTimesDetail_Code regular_times_detail Code of the class Regular times - detail
    string Column_RegularTimesDetail_RegularTime_Code regular_time Code of the Regular time column
    string Column_RegularTimesDetail_DayInWeek_Code day_in_week Code of the Day in week column
    string Column_RegularTimesDetail_From_Code from Code of the From column
    string Column_RegularTimesDetail_To_Code to Code of the To column
    string ClassDef_Exceptions_Code calendar_exeptions Code of the class Calendar exceptions
    string Column_Exceptions_Pattern_Code cal_exc_rec_pattern Code of the Calender exeption recurrence pattern column
    string Column_Exceptions_Start_Code start Code of the Start column
    string Column_Exceptions_End_Code end Code of the End column
    string Column_Exceptions_EndAterXOccurencies_Code end_after_x_occurencies Code of the End after X recurrencies column
    string Column_Exceptions_Order_Code order Code of the Order column
    string ClassDef_ExceptionsDetail_Code calendar_exeptions_detail Code of the class Calendar exceptions - detail
    string Column_ExceptionsDetail_From_Code from Code of the From column
    string Column_ExceptionsDetail_To_Code to Code of the To column
    string Column_ExceptionsDetail_Exceptions_Code calendar_exceptions Code of the Calendar exceptions column
    string ClassDef_ExcPattern_Code cal_exc_rec_pattern Code of the class Calendar exception recurrence pattern
    string ClassDef_ExcPatternYearlyFloat_Code cal_exc_rec_pattern_yearly_float_date Code of the class Yearly - fixed date
    string Column_ExcPatternYearlyFloat_DayOccurrenceInMonth_Code day_occurrence_in_month Code of the Day occurence in month column
    string Column_ExcPatternYearlyFloat_DayInWeek_Code day_in_week Code of the Day in week column
    string Column_ExcPatternYearlyFloat_Month_Code month Code of the Month column
    string ClassDef_ExcPatternYearlyFixed_Code cal_exc_rec_pattern_yearly_fixed_date Code of the class Yearly - fix date
    string Column_ExcPatternYearlyFixed_Date_Code date Code of the Date column
    string ClassDef_ExcPatternMonthlyFloat_Code cal_exc_rec_pattern_monthly_float_date Code of the class Monthly - floating date
    string Column_ExcPatternMonthlyFloat_DayOccurrenceInMonth_Code day_occurrence_in_month Code of the Day occurence in month column
    string Column_ExcPatternMonthlyFloat_DayInWeek_Code day_in_week Code of the Day in week column
    string Column_ExcPatternMonthlyFloat_EveryXMonth_Code every_x_month Code of the Every x-th month column
    string ClassDef_ExcPatternMonthlyFixed_Code cal_exc_rec_pattern_monthly_fixed_date Code of the class Monthly - fixed date
    string Column_ExcPatternMonthlyFixed_EveryXDay_Code every_x_day Code of the Every x-th day column
    string Column_ExcPatternMonthlyFixed_EveryYMonth_Code every_y_month Code of the Every y-th Month column
    string ClassDef_ExcPatternWeekly_Code cal_exc_rec_pattern_weekly Code of the class Weekly recurrence
    string Column_ExcPatternWeekly_EveryXWeek_Code every_x_week Code of the Every x-th week column
    string Column_ExcPatternWeekly_Mo_Code mo Code of the Mo column
    string Column_ExcPatternWeekly_Tu_Code tu Code of the Tu column
    string Column_ExcPatternWeekly_We_Code we Code of the We column
    string Column_ExcPatternWeekly_Th_Code th Code of the Thursday column
    string Column_ExcPatternWeekly_Fr_Code fr Code of the Friday column
    string Column_ExcPatternWeekly_Sa_Code sa Code of the Saturday column
    string Column_ExcPatternWeekly_Su_Code su Code of the Sunday column
    string ClassDef_ExcPatternDaily_Code cal_exc_rec_pattern_daily Code of the class Daily recurrence
    string Column_ExcPatternDaily_EveryXDay_Code every_x_day Code of the Every x-th day column
    string Model_DayInWeek_Code types Model for master data
    string ClassDef_DayInWeek_Code day_in_week Code of the class Day in week
    string Column_DayInWeek_DayIndex_Code day_index Code of the Index of the day in week column
    string Model_Months_Code types Model for master data
    string ClassDef_Months_Code months Code of the class Month
    string Column_Months_MonthIndex_Code month_index Code of the Month index columns
    string Model_DayOccurrenceInMonth_Code types Model for master data
    string ClassDef_DayOccurrenceInMonth_Code day_occurrence_in_month Code of the class Day occurence in month
    string Column_DayOccurrenceInMonth_OccurrenceIndex_Code occurrence_index Code of the Occurrence index column

