1. Data type JSWebParts

    Artikel: AN0001724Aktualisiert:
    Die vorgegebene Sprachenversion vom Artikeltext wird angezeigt, weil es kein Text von der ausgewählten Sprache und Version gibt.

    This object serves for work with webparts in the page. You can set webpart properties (according to the webpart type), visibility etc.

    Object properties 

    Name Description
    int Count Number of webparts in the page.
    void ShowAll() Method displayes all the webparts in the page.
    void HideAll() Method hides all the webparts in the page.
    WebPartBase this[int index] Method returns webpart according to the index. The index is count from 0 to Count - 1.
    WebPartBase this[string code] Method returns webpart according to the webpart code.


    Hiding webpart with code detail:

    OGWebParts['wp_sales'].Visible = false;

    Setting up property info for webpart detail:

    OGWebParts['wp_sales'].SetData( 'info', article);

     Hiding all webparts:

