1. OG data type - ClassDef

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    Object class is used for storing data of one object type (e.g. house, car, subject). Class can have columns for own data (e.g. street, name, number). Each class is after creation displayed on page Datas as a record overview and on page DataDetail, where detail of one record is displayed.

    Access to data can be managed by means of roles.

    Object properties

    Name Description
    int Id Class id
    string Name_Loc Name of the class for all localizations.
    string Name Name of the class in current localization.
    string Code Class code that is unique within model.
    int ModelId Model id, in which the class belongs.
    Model Model Model, to which the class belongs.
    string Description Class description.
    string FormatDisplayName Short description format.
    bool ShowInDefaultMenu Indication, wheather the class shall be displayed in the default menu (menu that is generated automatically).
    bool AllowPadding Enable paging in the default display.
    int? PageSize Number of rows in the page.
    bool AllowInsert Enable inserting data into the class.
    bool AllowUpdate Enable updating data into the class.
    bool AllowNavigationInDetail Indication, wheather navigation between records is enabled in the detail display.
    bool ShowRowIndex Display number of the row in the grid.
    int? ShowMaxRows Max. number of displayed records.
    int? SortColumnId1 The first column for the default sorting in the class.
    int? SortColumnId2 The second column for the default sorting in the class.
    int? SortColumnId3 The third column for the default sorting in the class.
    bool SortColumnAsc1 Indication of the ascending sorting in the column 1.
    bool SortColumnAsc2 Indication of the ascending sorting in the column 2.
    bool SortColumnAsc3 Indication of the ascending sorting in the column 3.
    string ImageUrl Small picture.
    string ImageUrlBig Large picture.
    bool ArchEnable Indication for enabling archiving.
    bool EnableMultiColumn Indication, wheather multiple columns are enabled in the class.
    int? MultiColumnColumnClassDefId Column, according to which multiple columns will be defined.
    int? ParentClassDefId Parent class.
    bool IsAbstract Indication that the class is an abstract one.
    bool EnableShowList Enable display of the list of records.
    bool EnableShowDetail Enable display of the record detail.
    bool EnableShowDetailInList Enable display of the record detail in the list.
    bool EnableMultiChange Indication, wheather mass changes are enabled in the class.
    bool EnableMultiDelete Indication, wheather mass deletion is enabled in the class.
    bool EnableWebServices Indication, wheather web service calls are enabled.
    int? SmallImageColumnId Column for small record picture.
    int? BigImageColumnId Column for big record picture.
    string FullImageUrl Full URL for pasting picture on the page.
    string FullImageUrlBig Full URL for pasting big picture on the page.
    ColumnClassDefList Columns Columns in the class.
    ClassDef ParentClassDef Parent class within hierarchy.

