1. Menu

    Artikel: AN0001799Aktualisiert:

    Each model/application in ObjectGears can have its own menu that helps user navigate to classes, queries, pages and other objects in the model. Links to objects outside ObjectGears can be also used (url to an outside page). Menu can be logically divided into particular areas in those divide further.

    There are two kinds of menu:

    • Menu for the whole application
    • Menu for one model

    Application menu

    Menu for the whole application is displayed on each page and is used as a main guidepost to particular models. Place most frequently used models in this menu. Each user will see only those model to which he has access rights.

    Into application menu you can place also links to particular classes or models over the whole ObjectGears instance. This is suitable for objects, that will be used by the most users.

    Application menu can be created only by administrator.

    Model menu

    There are same rules for the model menu. You are only limited to objects of the given model.

    This menu can be created by administrator or IT owner of the given model.

    Menu type

    Each menu (application or model menu) can be displayed in one of two modes: Default menu or Own menu.

    Default menu is created automatically and you do not define it at all. This menu includes all the classes, queries and pages defined in the menu, if they have set property Display in the default menu. Objects, that do not have this setting, will not be displayed in this menu. Default menu is suitable for simple models, when all the object can be accessible from a one level menu. Advantage of this automatically created menu is that you save time with menu creation.

    Own menu makes possible creating more complex menu hierarchy, e.g. master data can be in a separate submenu, reports in another submenu etc. You can also add links to another objects like export, import or whatever URL. One object can be added to the menu several times, e.g. with differnt operation (first as a list of records, then as a form with a new record).

    This menu type can be created without being explicitly enabled. Then there will be your structure in the menu definition but the user will see the default menu.

    Access rights in the menu

    There will be only those objects displayed in the menu, to which the logged on user has access rights. V menu se vždy zobrazí pouze ty objekty na které má přihlášený uživatel v danou chvíli právo. Therefore, if the user does not see any link in the menu, check if he has assigned a role, that has access rights to the requested operation.

    Operation Reading dat list or Reading data detail is required for displaying classes and queries.

    Export into Excel

    When setting this option by a class or query in the menu, records will be returned in Excel after user clicks on the menu item. User will be so provided with exported data in a very fast way. Best result can be achieved with queries, when you can set tailor-made queries (reports). User will then get very fast report that can be modified in Excel.

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