1. Localization

    Artikel: AN0001796Aktualisiert: 24.09.2018

    Language for application

    ObjectGears are localized in particular language versions (current ObjectGears version is avalable in Czech, English and German language). There are all the user screens, system messages and help localized.

    Which language version is presented to the user depends on user set up of the language for application, which the user can change on personal page available from the link in his/her name in the upper right corner of the ObjectGears screen. If the user does not have any language set, application will be displayed according to the parameter DefaultCulture in the web.config file.

    Language for notifications

    Independent of the language for application the user can set in his/her personal page the language for notifications. If there is corresponding language version in the given notification created by IT owner of a model, the user will receive notification in this language version. In the opposite case the user will receive notification in the default version createdby IT owner of a model.

    Localization of metadata

    ObjectGears enable to localize also metadata of created objects. These are e.g. names of model, classes, columns, buttons and other objects. This feature is important from the perspective of creating a model/application that shall reflect user language and can be utilized in international environment where all the users do not share a single language.

    In order names could be stated also in other languages, Administrator has to enable respective language for metadata localization on the page List of languages.

    Mass text localization

    ObjectGears system enables localize various attributes in various objects. When the whole model shall be localized, it is necessary to go through all the model step by step and search for localizeable attributes. This approach is possible, however, demanding on user. User performing text localization also has to have corresponding access rights in the system (IT owner or Administrator). This brings risk of system modification by user/interpretër, that should not have strong access rights.

    There is also another way of text localization, namely functionality Texts for translation, that enables to export all the texts that can be localized into Excel. You can let the text translate in Excel by another user and after that perform mass import back to the system.

    This approach brings several advantages:

    • You get an overview of all the attributes that shall be localized - you will not miss any attribute.
    • Overview of already performed localizations facilitates a check wheather all similar texts are translated in the same way. This avoids different names for same objects.
    • User with knowledge of foreign languages does not have to have any access to the system. Localization can than be outsourced to an external company/person.
    • You can import back only translated texts or languages. Import can therefore be performed in a repeated way, part by part.

    Localization of messages from scripts

    There are messages defined by IT owner of model used for localization and centralization of texts of messages used in scripts. Particular wording of a message in particular languages is then not handled in particular places in scripts, but in special page for this messages. The script only calls respective message defined by model and message code.

    Localization of text fields on forms

    Most of texts fields on forms can be localized into enabled languages.
