1. Menu

    Artikel: AN0002226Aktualisiert: 07.11.2018

    Menu is defined on this page.


    Icon Description
    Insert folder - It inserts a folder into the menu tree.
    Insert model - It inserts a model into the menu tree.
    Insert link - It inserts a link into the menu tree.
    Insert page - It inserts a page into the menu tree.
    Insert class - It inserts a class into the menu tree.
    Insert class data - It inserts class data into the menu tree.
    Insert query - It inserts a query into the menu tree.
    Insert query data - It inserts query data into the menu tree.
    Insert import - It inserts an import into the menu tree.
    Insert export - It inserts an export into the menu tree.
    Delete - It deletes the selected Object (Folder, Model, Link, Page, Separator) including possible Subobjects.

    Section: Menu settings

    • Display menu for model - The selection of a model, for which menu will be defined, or menu settings for the whole application.
    • Menu type - It defines, whether default menu for the whole application or user defined menu shall be displayed to users.

    Section: Menu structure

    • The menu has a tree structure. The root of the structure is the application. The items under the application represent the first level of the tree and are displayed in menu rows. The items in the second level will be displayed as an expand list under the item of the first level. The items in the third and lower level will be displayed as an expand list next to the item of the second level.
      We select folder, into which we want to place a new item, and click on the item icon. To the right of the menu tree there will be a new section displayed where we enter the code and the name of the new item. After saving the item will be placed at the end of the folder. By clicking on movement buttons we can place the item to the target position in the folder.
    • Some items have also other properties apart from code and name. Items separator, page, class data, query data do not have the property name.
      • Model - this item enables to display all the models or only one selected model.
      • Link - we define also URL and link target.
      • Page - we define the page, that should be diplayed.
      • Class - we define the class, that should be diplayed. We choose between display of list of records or display of a new record. If we choose display of list of records and we check the option 'Export to Excel', item in the menu will open an Excel file with a list of records. We can define filter that will be applied when displaying class data.
      • Query - we define the query, that should be diplayed.If we check the option 'Export to Excel', item in the menu will open an Excel file with a list of records. We can define filter that will be applied when displaying query data.
      • Class or Query data - we define column with data displayed in menu, column with url in menu and filter for record selection for menu.


