1. Button detail

    Artikel: AN0002114Aktualisiert: 30.09.2021

    There is button detail defined on this page.


    Icon Description
    Return to the list of buttns of the class.
    Creation of a new button.
    Saving changes in the button.
    Buttton deletion.

    Tab: Basic properties

    Section: Settings

    • Class - Name of the class in which the button is defined.
    • Id - Internal identifier of the button.
    • Code - Identifier of the button that is used by export and import of the model metadata between various instances of the application.
    • Name - Button name.
    • Tooltip - Help that will be displayed after moving mouse cursor on the button.
    • Confirmation query - Text of the query, that is displayed to the user after pressing the button. The user has then a possibility to confirm or to cancel the action. If the field is not filled in, no query is displayed and the button action is immediatelly started.
    • Picture - Icon displayed in the button.

    Section: When to display

    • Display in the list on toolbar - Defines if the button shall be displayed on toolbar in the list of record.
    • Display in the list in context menu - Defines if the button shall be displayed in the context menu in the list of records (icon next to the record Id).
    • Display in the line of the list - Defines if the button shall be displayed in the line of the record in the list of records (right of the record Id).
    • Display in the detail on toolbar - Defines if the button shall be displayed on toolbar in the record detail.
    • Display in the detail in context menu - Defines if the button shall be displayed in the context menu of the record detail (context menu icon on toolbar).
    • Display by the change of record - Defines if the button shall be displayed, when already created record is edited.
    • Display by disabled change of records - Defines if the button shall be displayed if modification of records is disabled.
    • Display by record creation - Defines if the button shall be displayed if new record is created.
    • Display for deleted records - Defines if the button shall be displayed also for logically deleted records.
    • Display for archive records - Defines if the button shall be displayed also for archived records.
    • Display in records in the master-detail relation - Defines, in which master-detail relations the button should be displayed (in the particular records of the master-detail relation). Master-detail relations of type Record archive and Reference to query are not included here.

    Section: What to perform

    • Type - Selection of the action type that shall be performed.
    • Subtype - Specification of the action that shall be carried out.

    Based on the selected Type, that shall be carried out further controls are displayed:.

    • Class - Selection of the class whose records shall be displayed or in which a form for a new record creation shall be opened (based on the selected Subtype).
    • Query - Selection of the query whose records shall be displayed.
    • Page - Selection of the page that shall be displayed.
    • Export - Selection of the export that shall be started or whose log shall be shall be displayed (based on the selected Subtype).
    • Import - Selection of the import that shall be started or whose log shall be shall be displayed (based on the selected Subtype).
    • WWW link - URL of the link that shall be opened.
    • Name of the window for the reference - Enter "_blank" for opening always in a new tab or name of the window for opening.
    • Procedure - Name of the procedure that shall be started.
    • Scheme - Name of the scheme that shall be displayed.
    • Data selection - Definition of filter, that shall be applied, when class or query data will be displayed by the button.

    Section: Audit trail

    • Created by - User that created the record (button).
    • Created when - Date and time of record (button) creation.
    • Changed by - User that changed whatever data in the record (button) the last time.
    • Changed when - Date and time of the last change in the record (button).

    Tab: Roles and display

    Section: List of roles

    • Role - Selection of role to which the permission shall be assigned.
    • Operation - Selection of permisssion.
      • Display - The user is authorized to display the button. If the button makes accessible object or operation, to that the user ios not authorized, the button will not be displayed. 