1. Column detail

    Artikel: AN0002108Aktualisiert: 23.05.2021

    Defined settings and properties of an attribute (column).


    Icon Description
    Return to the list of attributes.
    Creation of a new attribute.
    Saving changes in the attribute.
    Column deletion.
    Switch to data list display.
    Switch to the list of rules. Only for column File.
    Switch to column relationships.
    Switch to column settings history (audit trail).

    Tab: Basic properties

    Section: Settings

    • Class - It defines class to which the attribute belongs to. After creation (first saving) of the attribute it is not possible to change the class anymore.
    • Id - Internal identifier of the attribute used by the application.li>
    • Code - Identifier of the attribute that is used by export and import of the model metadata between various application instances.
    • Name - Name of the attribute displayed in data.
    • Description - Attribute description that is displayed in the record detail under the name of the attribute.
    • Column type - Data type of the attribute. After creation (first saving) of the attribute it is not possible to change the data type anymore.
    • Mandatory - Defines wheather the attribute has to be filled in the record.
    • Number of the rows in display - It enables to set for a control, that does not have set "Display over the whole row", how many rows of other controls shall be displayed next to this control. Example: Attribute X has set in "Number of the rows in display" value 7. It has height of the control 7 or more (it has to be set in "Row count"). Let´s suppose there are 8 more other attributes with one row controls in the class after attribute X. First 7 of them will be then displayed next to the attribute X, the control of the eighth, last attribute will be displayed under the control of the attribute X. An exception from this rule is a situation when one of the controls, that were supposed to be displayed "next to", has set "Display over the whole row". Starting with this control all other following controls are displayed in a standard way under the control of attribute X. If e.g. the fourth control after the control of the attribute X has set "Display over the whole row", only three following controls will be displayed after the control of attribute X. If any of controls following control X is a multirow control, there will be less than 7 controls displayed next to the control X so that the total height of the controls next to the control X is 7.
    • Enable editing by creation - It defines, wheather the attribute can be filled in by record creation.
    • Enable editing by modification - It defines, wheather the attribute can be filled in by record modification.
    • Help text - Text of the context help displayed by the given attribute in the form with a record detail. It is possible to use here html tags for text formatting.

    Section: Settings according to the column type

    Depending on the data attribute type there can be also following properties displayed in the section "Settings according to the column type".

    • Min. text length - It enables to set a minimal text length that has to be entered into the attribute.
    • Max. text length - It enables to define maximal text length that has to be entered into the attribute.
    • Adding comments mode - It defines, wheather the text entered by editing shall be added before the current text in the attribute with stating who and when added the text and shall be protected from being changed. Only new comments can be added.
    • Min.value - It enables to define the minimal value that the attribute can keep.
    • Max.value - It enables to define the maximal value that the attribute can keep.
    • Use as a link - It enables to define, wheather the attribute value shall be interpreted as html link.
    • Link format - It enables to define a mode of link composition from the attribute value.
      The link can be assembled in two ways:
      1. The whole string entered by the user is interpreted as a link, if this attribute is set to '{#}'.
      2. The string entered by the user will be used as a part of the link. Example: Link format is defined in this way 'http://{#}' and the user then enters e.g. www.seznam.cz, www.google.com etc.
    • Name of the window for the link - It enables to define, how the page with a link shall be opened. If not filled in the link is opened in the window of the application. After entering it will be opened in a new window with the entered name. It is the property TARGET of the link in html. It is possible to use also predefined values. More e.g. on: http://www.jakpsatweb.cz/html/odkazy.html Value "_blank" makes the link to be opened into a new window, any other filled value makes the link to be opened into a new window which the browser will internally call according to the filled value. Empty value will cause opening the link in the current window instead of the application.
    • As HTML - It defines, whether the text shall be interpreted as HTML. You can then edit the column value by means of ObjectGears HTML editor.
    • Localized value - It detremines whether the text shall be interpreted as a localized value (e.g. value "en-US::Report name~de-DE::Berichtsname~cs-CZ::Název reportu" will be interpreted to the user with en-US localization as "Report name" and to the user with de-DE localization as "Berichtsname").
    • Number of rows (for HTML) - It determines number of rows when HTML is used.
    • Css content class - Class with Css styles - CSS element class, that contains HTML content. It is element BODY in the editor, however, it can be e.g. DIV (depending on implementation), when HTML content is displayed by means of scripts. When you use tag H1 in HTML editor and set "Css content class" to "help", then use following definition in the file with CSS styles:
      .help h1 { ... }
      Note that help is generic and does not have a direct relation to a particular element. Therefore, you can use same styles for display in HTML editor and in webpart Script in a page (see model Knowledge base).
    • Url of the file with styles - Url to a file with Css styles - An external file with CSS styles for formatting HTML content in the editor.
    • Default value - The defalt value that will be used at the record creation, if no other value is defined.
    • Display format - It defines a display format of the value. E.g. {0:N2} displays number with two decimal digits.
    • Selection format - It defines detail of the control element for time selection.
    • Time alignment - If the Selection format contains a smaller detail than Display format (e.g. date and time for Display format and only date for Selection format), alignment defines setting of the more detailed part (e.g. time) that the user cannot influence by the selection.
    • Display summary in the list - By checking respective characteristics (minimum, maximum, average, sum) you can define which of them will be displayed in the Sum row.
    • Display format of the Sum row - It defines a display format of the sum row for data types Date, Integer and Decimal. E.g. {0:N2} displays number with two decimal digits, {0:dd.MM.yyyy} displays date and time in date only format. If the format is defined erroneously, there will be "?" stated in the Sum row..
    • Relation type - It defines the type of the relation with another class by data type "Reference into another class".
    • Referenced class - It defines the class to which records the attribute will refer to.
    • Class for record limitation - It defines class that will be used for limitation of record selection in the attribute.
      Example of use: We want to create a class registering a demand for a car. In the record there shall be selected a make, a model and then an engine. The user shall enter a make, then model (from models of the selected make) and, finally, engine (from engines available for the selected model). There is already a normalized model - the class for makes, the class of models (refering to the make) and the class of engines (refering to the model). Our aim will be achieved if we add into the created class of demand: 1. attribute of the make (refering to the class of make), 2. attribute of the model (refering to the class model) - by this attribute we select "Class for record limitation" (Make), 3. attribute of the engine (refering to the class of engines) - by this attribute we select "Class for record limitation" (Model).
    • Reference to a user - It defines that the attribute will refer to a user of the application.
    • Display user image - displays a circle with user initials or user image, if the system is configured for this.
    • Order by the column - It defines attribute from the reference class, according to which the records will be ordered by the value selection.
    • Redirect to page - It determines the page to which user will be redirected (instead of the record detail) after clicking on the link.
    • Name of the variable for ID in url - Name of the variable that will be added to the url. More variables can be added. Id of the record will be added to the last variable.
    • Order ascending - It defines ascending/descending order of the records in the referenced class in the selection.
    • Number of displayed records - It defines the height of the control by means of number of records that shall be displayed in it at the same time. If the value is not entered, 5 records are displayed.
    • Display Hexa code - Hexadecimal colour code will be displayed at the data type Color.
    • Display RGB code - RGB colour code will be displayed at the data type Color.
    • List of enabled colours - It enables to restrict the offered colours. Enter the colours according to this example: "ff00cc", "aabbcc", "000000"
    • Way of storing files - It determines how the files will be stored.
      • In the database
      • On disk -files are stored in the path defined in web.config
      • On filestream - this option is provided if Filestream is enabled in the database.
    • Delete the oldest file - It determines whether the oldest file will be automatically deleted when the maximal number of files is exceeded.
    • Max. number of files - It determines maximal number of files that can be attached to the record.
    • Max. file size - It defines max. size of a file that can be attached to the record. The number has to be complemented by the unit in the combobox (B, KB, MB).
    • File deletion type - It defines way of the file deletion in the record.
      • Do not delete - deletion of an attached file is not possible.
      • Delete logically - the file is marked as deleted. However, it is possible to display it.
      • Delete only file content - the file is marked as deleted and it is not possible to display it.
      • Delete physically - the file is completely and permanently deleted including history in the archive (audit trail).
    • Display pictures in gallery - It defines, wheather picture files shall be displayed after opening in a gallery, that the user can browse through.
    • Display picture preview - If the column has set also Display pictures in gallery, it displays preview of the picture directly in the record detail.
    • List of allowed suffixes - List of allowed suffixes (separated by comma), which can be inserted. If not filled in, all the file types can be inserted. Suffixes that can be inserted are also determined by the settings in the file web.config - see Enabled file types.
    • Enable sequences - Determines, if the value in the column shall be calculated based on sequence. If there is sequence enabled in the column, the column is read-only.
    • Sequence format - Deteremines format of the sequence.
    • Create a new value - Determines for GUID column type, that there will by a new identifier filled in automatically at creation of a new record.
    • Placeholder - Determines placeholder. Grey text in the column, if the field does not contain any value.
    • Regular expression - Expression defining condition that must be met by the text in the given field. See Regex examples on Sitepoint or Microsoft web. ObjectGears is using Regex class of the .NET Framework.
    • Error message from regular expression - Error message that is displayed if the text does not meet the condition of the regular expression.
    • Display as tags - Determines that the values in column should be displayed as tags.

    Section: Formulas for a calculated column

    • Formula for a new record - Formula or value that will be used for a value in the given column by record creation.
    • Formula for the record change - Formula or value that will be used for a value in the given column by record modification.

    Section: Default display

    This section is available only by the data type Reference to another class.

    • Mode of displaying more references in the list - Defines, how references should be displayed by M:N relation with the referenced class.
    • References in the list can be clicked on - Defines, wheather references shall lead to a detail of the referenced record after user`s clicking.
    • Selection in the Search form - It defines, wheather values shall be selected in a Search form instead of a combobox.

    Section: Audit trail 

    • Created by - User that created the record (column).
    • Created when - Date and time of record (column) creation.
    • Changed by - User that changed whatever data in the record (column) the last time.
    • Changed when - Date and time of the last change in the record (column).

    Tab: Scripts

    Section: Script before file content reading

    It defines script at the file type column, that will be executed before reading the file content. The script can be used e.g. to control access rights to the file.


    Tap: Reference

    Section: Reference settings

    • Filter - Definition of filter determining records from the referred class, that shall be offered in the control element for the column. It is an alternative setting to setting by means of a script (see below).

    Section: Display columns

    • Selection of columns from the referred class that shall be displayed in the look up form.

    Section: Script

    • Script for definition of records that should be provided in the search form or in the combobox. It is an alternative setting to setting by means of a filter (see above).
    • If you set script at column Reference to user, the option Select me in the record detail will be automatically hidden. You can suppress this behaviour by a script for record detail in the class settings:


    function OnPreRender()
      OGColumns['assignto'].ColumnUI.ShowSelectMe = true;
