Scripts extend system possibilities in a fundametal way and can be used ina number of places. Respond to application events or repeatedly use script blocks.
Chapter Scripts describes scripts and script objects of the RAD platform ObjectGears, script testing and repeated use of scripts.
Create a record in CMDB from Powershellu by calling ObjectGears Script for execution
Scripting examples
Study functions, scripts, data types, operators, script the FREE Rapid Application Development (RAD) platform ObjectGears.
Sometimes we need to correct imported data. This is faciliated by scripts running at import events.
Learn how to simply update common properties of the parent class with data from the child class
How to mark a record that was included in an import file
Take a look how you can use automatic notifications to users that do not have ObjectGears account
Take a look how to build on CMDB and create an Application catalogue for users...
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