Article: AN0001940Updated: 07.02.2020
Installation is running under the account of the user that is logged in. Administrator performing the installation has to have following permissions:
- Write permissions to folders of the application (folder of he web, Windows service etc.)
- DB owner for the database of the instance
We will start package installation by clicking on button Install.

Then we select ObjectGears instance, on which the package shall be installed.

Next page displays information about all versions required for the package installation and those installed on the given instance. At the time of the first installation this part is empty. We can cancel creation of the back up before and after installationby unticking two checkboxes below. This makes the installation progress faster.

Next steps can differ for particular packages. Packages may ask for filling in certain information before the installation itself.
At the time of the first ObjectGears system installation we are asked for completion/update of configuration parameters. Parameters can be changed whenever later on in the file web.config for web and in the configuration file of the Windows service. The parameters highlighted in green are newly added.
Two parameters, highighted in red, have to be filled in. The first one is account that will have Administrator access right in the ObjectGears instance. It is an account of a user which you will create in ObjectGears later on, e.g. on page Creation of the first user (see below) - property Account. If you want to use domain authentication, enter here domain account of particular user including domain (domain_name\account_name). If you want to be ObjectGears administrators, enter here your account. The second one is WebUrl - address, under which the ObjectGears web will be available and which will be inserted into links sent outside of ObjectGears, e.g. emails.

In the next step you can determine whether users can logon by means of name and password or by means of Windows authentication (domain account). Also language of the informatory page displayed when ObjectGears is not available, 32bit or 64bit Windows service and setup of emails sent out of ObjectGears. All the settings can be changed later on by updating above stated configuration files directly.

We will confirm package installation in the step.

In case of ObjectGears system installation (brand new instance or upgrade of an existing one) you will install the Windows service by clicking on button Start BAT file. We continue with step number 5 according to the guide to Windows service installation.

After completing the installation we can go to the web of the given instance by clicking on ObjectGears logo in the white field in the Installer form. We can also display installation log.

In case of the first installation of the given instance we will be prompted after the first start to create the first user. It can be e.g. user that we defined as Administrator above. We can get help to particular fields after clicking on the question mark icon in the upper right corner. If we want to use domain authentication, we will enter in the field Account Windows account of the given user in format domain\account.

If you have selected authentication by name and password, you will be prompted in the next page to enter name and password. If you have selected Windows authentication and your Windows account matches the account entered in the page Creation of the first user, ObjectGears will display the default page.
Continue in menu by creating new users (manually or by their import), creating roles and assigning roles to users (on page person detail page). Each of these pages has a question mark icon in the upper right corner that displays help to particular page.
In case you have selected Windows authentication but the account you have entered in the page Creation of the first user differs from the one under which you are loged on (including domain name), ObjectGears displays message about access denial. In such a case logon to ObjectGears from a computer, on which you will be loged on with the correct account.
Let`s look now, how to start with ObjectGears system.