1. OG_VM-Report

    Article: AN0001780Updated: 03.12.2018

    This function returns a list of virtual machines with their properties from vCenter servers according to the configuration.

    Main prerequisites for use 

    Prerequisite Description
    Powershell remoting When communicating with external systems using execution of Powershell commands by an external system it is necessary to enable remoting on the external system.
    vCenter Reader Role for reading data from VMware vCenter.
    Práva na službu WinRM When communicating with external systems using execution of Powershell commands by an external system it is necessary to assign access rights for remoting to the account sending the command.
    Powershell v3 Microsoft Powershell version 3 or higher.


    Function creates a text file containing information about virtual machines according to the configuration. The file contains following information.

    Column heading Description
    VMName Name of the virtual server in Vcenter.
    GuestShortName Name of the virtual server.
    GuestDomain Name of the domain of the virtual server.
    GuestFQDN FQDN of the virtual server.
    GuestOS Operating system of the server.
    GuestIP IP address/addresses of the server.
    DC Name of the Datacenter in vCenter.
    Cluster Name of the Cluster in vCenter.
    HostName Name of the ESX server, on which the machine is hosted at the moment.
    VMNotes Comments to the server in vCenter.
    VMNumCPU Number of CPU allocated to the server.
    VMMemoryGB Number of GB RAM allocated to the server
    VMUsedSpaceGB Space on disks used by the server in GB.
    VMProvisionedSpaceGB Space on disks allocated to the server in GB.
    VMMacAddress MAC address of the server.
    VMPowerState Status of the virtual server (PoweredOn/PoweredOff).
    ToolsVersion Version of VMware tools.
    ToolsStatus Status of VMware tools.
    ToolsVersionStatus Status of VMware tools version.
    ToolsRunningStatus Status of VMware tools running.
    VMXLocation Placement of VMX file.
    VMDKLocation Placement of VMDK file.
    Optional columns There can be other columns in the output file with values according to the parameter $VMCustParams.


    Include hereinafter stated parameters in the file og_configuration.ps1 (generic parameters shared with other functions) or in the file OG_PC-Start.config (specific parameters of this function). Parameter configuration is described in the documentation of the programme Piklo


    Parameter Description Example
    [string]$OutFile Path to the file, in which output of the function shall be stored.

    [string]$ExportFile = "\\yourserver\data\OG-output\VM-Report.txt"

    [string]$LogFile Path to the file, in which log of the function shall be stored.

    [string]$LogFile = "\\yourserver\data\OG-output\VM-Report_Log.txt"

    [string]$OutEnc Coding of the output file. Possible options are "UTF8", "Unicode" and "DEFAULT". The value "DEFAULT" makes the file being created in the ANSI encoding.

    [string]$OutFileEncoding = "UTF8"

    [string]$Delimiter Value separator in the records. Possible values are: "t" - tab, ";" - semicolon a "," - comma

    [string]$Delimiter = "t"


    Defines, wheather the output file shall include header with column names ("1") or not ("0").

    [string]$HeaderOutFile = "1"

    [string]$HeaderOutFile = "1"

    Path to a working directory.

    [string]$WorkFilePath = "\\servername\OGtemp"

    [array]$vCenterServers Array with names of vCenter servers, that will be queried. ("vcenter1.yourdomain.com","vcenter2.yourdomain.com")
    [string]$VMNotes Defines, wheather the output file shall include values from VMNotes ("1") or not ("0"). [string]$VMNotes = "1"
    [array]$VMCustParams Array with custom parameters defined in vCenter by the customer. ("DRPriorioty","CreatedBy")
    [string]$VMOnlyRunningTools Defines, wheather the output file shall include only servers with running tools ("1") or not ("0"). Servers with running tools can provide information from the virtual machine. [string]$VMOnlyRunningTools = "1"


    The function is called by means of the programme Piklo, that is part of ObjectGears package, from ObjectGears script. Result of the call has to be assigned to a variable, with which the script can further work.

    a = OG.Process.RunPiklo('OG_VMReport-1.0','-type C')
