Article: AN0001634Updated: 21.09.2018
Most objects of ObjectGears system belong to a certain model. Model is basically an application that provides some functionality. In model you can create class for storing data, queries for various views on data, scripts for work with data, pages, workflow etc.
Model is an independent entity, however, it can use classes from another model. Class from another model can be used in read-only mode. E.g. model of central master data enables other models to read the classes but not to modify them.
You can create whatever number of models. When creating a new model or functionality assess security risks and implications first.
Each model shall have its customer and somebody, who is in charge in terms of technical issues. Customer is a user, that requires the functionality and is responsible for its maintenance and keeping it up to date. It is a person who defines what will be implemented in the model. This person is called Business owner in ObjectGears system.
Another person is IT owner, who implements requirements of the Business owner. This person is responsible for an incedent-free functioning of the model itself.
Basic roles are described in the chapters dealing with security.
Roles that can work with model objects are selected on the model level. You can disable roles in the list of roles enabled for the model by simple clicking on the role in the coloumn Enabled. Role can be in this way disabled without need to withdraw it from all the objects of the model.
Enabling classes for another models
Big advantage of ObjectGears system is a simple and quick possibility to share classes with other models. You can create a model with shared masterdata, e.g. model with a list of cars and enable it for model Rental sevice.
In order that class can be enabled for another model, it cannot have set physical record deletion. During the time, when the interconnection is created, type of the record deletion in the class cannot be changed.
Default page
Default page of the model is displayed after clicking on the model name in the menu. By this setting you can display information to the user, that are required at most times. You can display class, query or page with webparts. If you do not set anything, page with information about model will be displayed.
User documentation
You can insert unlimited number of files with user documentation for each model. Documentation can be in whatever format. It is necessary to choose such formats, with that the end users can work with. E.g. docx, xlsx, pictures, txt...
After inserting a documentation it is displayed on pages with class or query data after clicking on the question mark icon in the uppr right corner.

Model check
It is often demanding to pay attention to possible configuration possibilities in comprehensive systems like ObjectGears. There is a function for model check to help. It checks several settings in the model and displays in a table list of information, warnings or errors. The function is available from the model detail under button
We recommend to perform sometimes check of models.