Article: AN0002016Updated: 01.06.2021
ObjectGears is a Rapid Application Development platform which are today called also low-code. It can be used to develop number of solutions meeting business requirements. These solutions can be tailored for a customer within an implementation, can be developed by internal customer developers or by third parties. Customer also gets certain solutions with ObjectGears license. These solutions are represented by ObjectGears models and support certain processes.

Following text will clarify relation of platform, solutions, models and supported processes and value they deliver to the customer.
ObjectGears is a platform enabling creation of applications bringing solution to customer needs. Platform is a frame containing generic functions that are utilized at creation of a solution. The platform itself does not contain any business logic or solution properties. It utilizes object approach and offers such generic features as effective development of object and their relations, broad possibilities of application localization, notifications, number of security concepts, workflow or scripting. This approach enables maximal flexibility of the designer/implementator when developing a solution because he/she is not limited in any way by the platform authors.
Universality of the ObjectGears platform show itself as a very strong point in comparison with product that always have less or more customization potential, however, they are focused on solving certain area (e.g. requirements systems, systems specialized on Configuration management, systems specialized on master data management). Intent of solving these certain areas becomes their own limit once the customer needs to solve some specific situation that author of these systems did not anticipate.
ObjectGears platform represents a value for the customer, because they can develop solutions by help of it, that would otherwise call for much more resources. The other advantage in comparison with other development frameworks and platforms is zooming in on business user/architect/analyst. Solution in ObjectGears can be developed by any user, that knowledgeable in area, he/she needs to solve, understands relations between entities he/she needs to work with, knows what properties these entities have and which roles will perform in the process. At the same time this user does not need programming knowledge for application development, but can create it in the ObjectGears user interface by "clicking". Specific requirements can be solved by scriptig which represent much more efficient option in comparison with a classic application programming both from the time demands and necessary programming knowledge.
ObjectGears platform properties are described in ObjectGears system. Effectiveness of the ObjectGears platform at application development is shown in Case studies. Other examples of use are in Examples and recommended techniques.
Business solutions
ObjectGears software is delivered with several solutions. Its Knowledge Base, System for Configuration management, System for Service Desk, System for IT systems operation, System for Change management...
Supported processes
Above stated solutions relate to number of ITIL processes - e.g. Incident and Problem management, Request fulfilment, Change management, Test management, Release management etc. ObjectGears, however, supports also other processes outside this area. Take a look at the overview of supported processes.
Above stated solutions and processes are contained in ObjectGears models. ObjectGears model represents a certain compact area. Since particular process are in the real world interconnected, also ObjectGears models can interact each with another - e.g. refer to data from another model etc. This brings another level of effectiveness in the integration area in comparison with situation when the customer solves each area with another application.