Article: AN0002259Updated: 01.06.2023
There is definition of the report (if the user is IT owner of the model or is authorized to create reports) and the own report (if the user is authorized to execute the report) displayed on this page.
Icon |
Description |
Return to the list of reports. |
New Creation of a new report. |
As new one - Creation of a new report as a copy of an existing report. |
Saving changes in the report. |
Report deletion. |
Report execution. |
It leads to the report rules (formatting). |
It leads to the report execution history. |
It leads to the overview of report relations to other ObjectGears instance objects. |
Tab: Basic properties
Section: Basic properties
- Report group name - Localized name of the card on which the report is displayed in the list of reports.
- Code - Report code.
- Name - Localized name of the report.
- Description - Localized description of the report. It is displayed in the list of reports under the name of the report.
- Display type - Type of the report display (List of records, Pivot table, Charts)
- Model - Selection of the model which contains the starting class or query from which the report is created.
- Class - Selection of the starting class from which the report is created.
- Query - Selection of the starting query from which the report is created..
Other fields appear depending on the selected Display type.
Display type: Bubble chart
- Axis X - Selection of column with values to be drawn on axis X (determination of coordinate X of the bubble).
- Grouping - It determines wheather values on axis X shall be grouped.
- Axis Y - Selection of column with values to be drawn on axis Y (determination of coordinate Y of the bubble).
- Aggregation function - If grouping on axis X is selected, it is necessary to select aggregation function that shall be used for values on axis Y.
- Value - Selection of column with values for determination of the bubble size.
- Aggregation function - If grouping on axis X is selected, it is necessary to select aggregation function that shall be used for values of the bubble size.
- Axis X (series B) - Data for the second series in the chart.
- Grouping - Data for the second series in the chart.
- Axis Y (series B) - Data for the second series in the chart.
- Aggregation function - Data for the second series in the chart.
- Value (series B) - Data for the second series in the chart.
- Aggregation function - Data for the second series in the chart.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
Display type: Line chart
- Axis X - Selection of column with values to be drawn on axis X.
- Group - It determines wheather values on axis X shall be grouped.
- Axis Y - Selection of column with values to be drawn on axis Y.
- Aggregation function - If grouping on axis X is selected, it is necessary to select aggregation function that shall be used for values on axis Y.
- Display dots - It determines, wheather values shall be displayed in form of particular dots.
- Display line - It determines, wheather values shall be displayed in form of continuous line.
- Fill in - It determines, wheather the space between line and axis X shall be filled in by a colour.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
Display type: List of records
- Columns - Selection of columns that will be appear in the report.
- Localized name of the column in the report.
- Selection of the aggregation function - If there is grouping selected for some column, it is necessary to define an aggregation function, that shall be used, at other columns. Offered functions depend on the column type.
- Group - It defines, wheather data shall be grouped by the given column in the report.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
- Data sorting - It defines sorting of records in the report.
Display type: Monthly calendar
- Column with date - Column with date, in which the record shall be displayed.
- Column with value - Column with the displayed value.
- Aggregation function - Function that aggregates the values from particular dates.
- Column with name - Column with the displayed text.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
There are tooltips in format date (value): text displayed at particular points. If aggregation function is used, name is not displayed.
Display type: Pie chart (data in columns)
- Columns - Selection of columns containing data for particular sectors. If the filter for data selection returns more records from the given class/query, only the first record is displayed in the chart.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
Display type: Pie chart (data in rows)
- Value descriptions - Selection of a column with value descriptions.
- Values - Selection of a column with values.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
Display type: Pivot table
- Values - Column from which values in the pivot table body will be calculated.
- Aggregation function - Aggreation function used for calculation of values in the pivot table body. Offered functions depend on the type of column selected in the field Values.
- Row captions - Column according to which data will be grouped in rows.
- Column captions - Column according to which data will be grouped in columns.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
Display type: Radar chart
- Series name - the column with names of series.
- Columns - Selection of columns with values.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
Display type: Simple vertical bars
- Axis X - Selection of column with values to be drawn on axis X.
- Axis Y - Selection of column with values to be drawn on axis Y.
- Order - Order of the values on X axis.
- Color - Color of the columns. If the color is not defined, default chart colors will be used.
Display type: Sunburst
- Display value - Column, values of which shall be used for description of records in the chart.
- Superior record - Column of type Reference to a class that contains superior record.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
Display type: Time map
- Column with date - Column, that contains date, according to which the record will be displayed in the time map.
- Column with data - Column, the date of which will be displayed in chart tooltips by the aggregation function.
- Axis X - Time unit for distribution of values on X axis.
- Axis Y - Time unit for distribution of values Y axis.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
Display type: Treemap
- Column with name - Column with text that shall be displayed
- Column with colour - Column with colour for the given record in the chart (If it is not set, predefined palette will be used.)
- Columns - Selection of columns of type integer or decimal that determine proportional display of particular records in the chart.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
Display type: Vertical bars, Horizontal bars, Stacked columns
- Axis X - Selection of column with values to be drawn on axis X.
- Group - It determines wheather values on axis X shall be grouped.
- Axis Y - Selection of column with values to be drawn on axis Y.
- Aggregation function - If grouping on axis X is selected, it is necessary to select aggregation function that shall be used for values on axis Y.
- Data selection - It defines the filter according to which data will be selected into the report.
Tab: Access
- Owner - User, that can modify the report (besides model IT owner.)
- Users for reading - Users that can display the report (besides users having access right to a source report object - class or report).
- Group for reading - Groups of users that can display the report.
Tab: Chart
Displays the chart for reports of the chart type.
Section: Chart settings
- Width (px) - It determines width of the chart.
- Height (px) - It determines height of the chart.
- Name of X axis - The name of axis X in the chart.
- Name of Y axis - The name of axis Y in the chart.
- Display description of X axis - It defines, whether values shall be displayed at axis X.
- Display description of Y axis - It defines, whether values shall be displayed at axis Y.
Section: Legend
- Legend display - It determines wheather and where the legend shall be displayed in the chart.
- Legend background colour - It determines colour of the legend background.