Article: AN0002482Updated:
System ObjectGears contains built in user properties (e.g. Code, Account, Displayed name, Email etc.). These properties are required for ObjectGears system functioning.
Other properties, which may be quite specific according to the particular custom solution developed in ObjectGears, can be defined by the Administrator in a special class according to particular needs.
Example of data from class with extened user properties. The class has to contain column of type Reference to a user which is then included in the web.config (see below). You then define columns according to your needs. These columns can refer to records from other classes - in the example below we can see e.g. Delivery address or Cost center.

Administrator defines, which columns from the class of extended user properties should be displayed in the user profile PersonQuickInfo and which out of these properties the user can edit. This profile is accessible to all the users and the given information from the class with extended user properties can be therefore displayed by other users.
Note: The user can display other users only within limits provided by the User visibility.
Setting is performed in menu Administration - Users - Visibility of user properties. It is up to you which columns from the class with extended user properties you display in the user profile, which you let the user edit and which you will not display at all.

User profile with section Extended user properties in the bottom part of the screen. Displayed columns and ability to edit them is managed by the above settings.

In the above example, we have shown data from a class containing extended user properties. We can define this class ourselves. Then we have let ObjectGears know which class it is, which column is used for mapping ObjectGears users to records in this class and which which columns contain user phone and if needed other elements. These are elements PersonClassDefId (Id of the class), PersonColumnClassDefId (Id of the column from the class), PersonPhoneColumnClassDefId a other elements (Id of columns from the given class).
ObjectGears creates records in this class automatically in order they correspond to users in the ObjecGears system. User can update corresponding columns only.