1. Webpart Tiles in frames

    Article: AN0002486Updated: 08.10.2023


    Icon Description
    After editing the webpart save it by button Save.


    Tab: Basic properties

    • Code - Webpart code. It has to be unique among codes of webparts on the given page
    • Title - Webpart title. If you do not define it, the webpart will be at display without title.
    • Display webpart style - When checked webpart frame will be displayed. When not checked, only webpart content will be displayed.
    • CSS class - CSS class for defining the style of the web part.
    • Model - Selection of model from which values should be displayed.
    • Query - Selection of query from which values should be displayed.
    • Name - Column with texts for the tiles and frames.
    • Order - Column with the order of items.
    • Parent record - Column with a parent record.
    • Url - Url to a record represented by the tile.
    • Value on the left - Value for number of dots in the tile on the left.
    • Tooltip to the value on the left - Tooltip displayed over dots in the tile on the left.
    • Value on the right - Value for number of dots in the tile on the right.
    • Tooltip to the value on the right -  Tooltip displayed over dots in the tile on the right.
    • Display as frame - It defines whether the object should be displayed as a frame.
    • Colour - Column with colour of tiles and frames.
    • Column with legend for colour - Column with text displayed in the legend.
    • Legend order - Column defining order of the items in the legend. If it is not set, texts in the legend are ordered alphabetically.
    • Background colour - Background colour of the webpart.