Article: AN0002213Updated:
There is list of jobs displayed on this page.
Icon |
Description |
 | Creation of a new job. |
 | Reload of the list of jobs. |
Display also deleted jobs
Option for displaing all jobs (also those already deleted).
Grid - list of jobs
- Id - Internal identifier of the job. Link to the job detail.
- Code - Job code.
- Name - Name of job.
- Description - Description of job.
- Enabled - Information if the job is enabled. By clicking on Yes/No you will switch this option.
- Start frequency - Frequency of job start
- Last start - Date and time of the last job start.
- Last result - Result of the last job start.
- Next start date - Date and time of the next job start (if the job is enabled and not deleted). This is a planned time according to the job settings (e.g. frequency of job start). The real time of job execution may in some cases differ, because the real execution is determined by configuration of ObjectGears winservice that starts the jobs (parametr RepeatIntervalInMinute). If the real execution is performed every 5 minutes (e.g. 8:15, 8:20, 8:25) and the job is planned to 8:22, the job will be really executed at 8:25, at the next time of the real execution.
- Red cross - Deletion of the job.
Records highlighted in italics represent jobs, that were deleted. Records with grey background of columns Enabled, Last start, Last result and Next start date are not planned for execution in future or they are not enabled.