In ObjectGears you can define objects called pages that consist of particular webparts. There are different types of webparts ranging from simple text webparts, over graphs and grids to script, by which you can create a custom form with controls, help and events. Pages consisting of webparts can then be placed in menu.
In the detail of the page you can set Hide menu, which will focus user attention to the page and is applicable e.g. at page of the guidepost type. Help to the page detail is here. Help to the webpart creation is here.
You can define Deafult page in the model detail for each model. This page will be displayed after clicking on model name in the menu.
List of webparts
Name |
Description |
Text |
Webpart displayes html, that can be edited in the editor. |
InfoLinks |
Webpart displayes categorized links. |
ClickMap |
Webpart displayes one big picture as a click-on map. |
Grid |
Webpart displays data from a class or query. |
Edit files |
Webpart displays and enables editing files stored on the server. |
Script |
Webpart enables to create a form that can be edited or html that can be pasted into a page. This is done by scripting. |
DataParameter |
Webpart enables to display and modify value of data parameters. |
Send notification |
Webpart enables an easy sending of a message to a predefined distribution group. |
Language selector |
Webpart enables to display and select list of languages, into which the user can switch page display. |
Find text |
Webpart enables to look up a text. |
Rating |
Webpart enables to evaluate record (e.g. article) and display result rating. |
Time axis |
Webpart for a data display on time axis. |
Calendar |
Webpart for data display in form of a calendar. |
Deadline counter |
Webpart displays counter/s with time since/till the input time. |
Dictionary |
Webpart for display and navigation between dictionary type records. |
Percentage value display |
Webpart dislays value of one or more parameters in grafics. |
Clock |
Webpart displays analogue clock for requested time zone. |
Report |
Webpart displays report result. |
Work with webparts
Webparts can be modified in the design mode. Display detail or list of pages and in the context menu click on Page design. Page with blocks for webpart inserting will be displayed.
Webpart can be added by clicking on button Add webpart. Dialog with list of webparts will be displayed. Select all the webparts that you want to add to one block. After that select name of the block from the combobox and click on Add. Selected webparts will be added. You can reeat the adding several times. Finally, click on the button Close. Added webparts will be immediately saved in the database.
In order to delete a webpart click on a small arrow in the right side of the webpart heading. In the displayed context menu click on Delete.
Some webparts require after adding setting up data source. Click on a small arrow in the right side of the webpart heading. In the displayed context menu click on Data source. Dialog for setting up information source and webpart behaviour will be displayed. These settings depend on webpart type.
There is also button Preview in the toolbar, that will display the page in the same way, how it is displayed to users. When checking the preview be careful, because all all the webparts are functioning. Therefore, your action can lead e.g. to workflow start or records deletion depending on, how you have set up the webpart.
Links to page and webpart
You can add also webpart code to the link to a page. The link will than display the page and roll to the given webpart.
Page design
Each page can have its own webpart layout, different formatting, colours etc. Page design scheme is used for this settings, where you define by means of HTML, how the page shall look like. Choose a predefined layout in the selection Type or do whatever you want with your design by means of option Custom.
When coding your custom design, create it responsive. HTML code is simply inserted into the page, and therefore, it should be responsive in order users with a smaller screen size (tablet, smart phone) were able to work with the page.
You can add to pages tabs by means of command TAB and split the content into several parts.
Public page
Page marked with indication Public page is available to the users without need to be logged on. Use this for operating ObjectGears system with Forms authentication, when the user does not need to have account in the system.
Make sure that there is following configration stated in the web.config file in the configuration element.
<location path="WebContentPage.aspx">
<allow users="*" />
Automated page refresh
Pages can be configured by means of property Refresh page after X [s], so that they update themselves regularly. You can create a page that you display on a big screen to users or customers and update the changing data - e.g. order of customers in queue, waiting time...etc.
Such a page can update same type of information that is changing. By means of second property Go to page after refresh you can go to another page with another kind of information after the defined elapsed time. In this way we can connect whatever number of pages into a loop that will play to users or customers regular flow of pages.