There are couple of already created models delivered with ObjectGears system licence. You can adapt these models to your needs (simplify or extend them or modify the functionality).
Model represents an advanced knowledge base with roles knowledge base administrator, article author and reader. Artciles are created by authors in html editor and enable to insert tables, pictures, files, links to knowledgebase, links to ObjectGears instance data (e.g. links to Configuration items) or links outside ObjectGears system (e.g. wikipedia). Article publishing is conditioned by approval of expert for the given topic. Articles are classified in categoriesP(e.g. Public, Only IT, Only Security) and therefore article from the given ublikace článku je podmíněna schválením gestora dané oblasti. Články jsou klasifikovány v kategoriích (např. Veřejné, Pouze IT, Pouze Bezpečnost...) Therefore, article of the given area can be displayed only by user with the given classification.
This model is also used for demonstration of ObjectGears system possibilities, namely webparts, workflow and scripting, and is described in the help section Case studies.
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