In this part of the help there are described screens, provided to users. Availability of particular screens or controls, that are on screens, depends on roles that are assigned to user. This applies both to basic (built-in) roles of ObjectGears system and to user roles created by administrator, that provide particular access rights on particular created objects.
There is a user documentation describing basics of ObjectGears system in the ObjectGears system packages (in the folder Documentation).
Basic screen description
All the screens (with exception of few special ones) look same and can be controlled in the same way. This makes users get familar fast with all the models and start working with them. They just need to know what a particular model is used for.
If users learn how to work in one model, they have no problem working with another ones.
The picture below shows a picture with a list of records. Particular functional elements are numbered and explained step by step hereinafter.

1 - Logo
Clicking on logo returns you always to the default page.
2 - Menu
Menu of the application. Clicking on item displays 2-3 levels. Use the menu to access particular application objects.
3 - Search in menu
Menu can be quite extensive. Therefore you have functionality of looking up in menu. You can just enter part of the text that is in the name of the menu item and only corresponding menu items are displayed. This can save your time when you do not know exactly where is the required item in the menu.
4 - Favourites and menu packing/unpacking
Button for Favourites items displays items that the user has saved previously. These items are stored in the ObjectGears database and are displayed only to you no matter from where you logon.
Button for menu packing/unpacking helps to save the space on the screen by minimizing the menu. In case you have list of records with many columns packing the menu helps to display nore data.
5 - Page headline
There is page title in its headline and breadcrump navigation to current page. You can click on whatever text in the breadcrump navigation and go to the required page.
6 - List of records
Example of list of records. There is one record on each line. There is record identification at the beginning of each line, in some case context menu and link to a detailed form (see point 15.).
When you move mouse on the record, it gets highlighted by background colour. If you click on the record, it gets marked and permanently highlighted even if you move the mouse away. If you click on the record again, it gets unmarked which is again indicated by regular background colour of the record.
7 - Toolbar with buttons
In the bottom part of the screen there is toolbar with buttons for current screen.
8 - Global search
Global search is searching entered text in all the classes and columns, that are marked for global search. You can search e.g. by incident number, number of article in the knowledge base etc. Use this function when you are not sure where the searched data are located and how to get to them via menu.
9 - Documentation
The main link leads to the documentation of current page (on web
However, you can add also other user documentation to each model. That documentation is displayed in menu under icon with help as you can see in the picture below.

10 - Information about user
After moving mouse on the user icon context menu with functions for currently loged user is displayed.

- displays page with basic information about loged user. User can change language settings for ObjectGears interface and for email notifications. Furthermore, users can temporarily deactivate and again activate their roles here. If it is enabled, users can set also some other properties here.
Delegation - This function enables to set a delegation for each user e.g. at time of holiday for particular tasks.
List of tasks - Overview of tasks from workflow assigned to the loged user. Tasks can be displayed and processed.
Logout - If users log on with a name and password, they can logout here after finishing their work. In such a case do not switch off the browser without loging off. You would have provide attackers possibility to misuse your identity.
11 - Instance name
ObjectGears system can be operated in more instances. In order it is clear at first sight, in which instance user is working, there is stated its name and selected background colour for the instance name.
12 - Functions for page
Some pages offer other functions. These are displayed under the icon of a cogged wheel. Display of particular functions depends on user rights, page type and configuration. Therefore, you will not always see all the below stated options.

Display records - enables to choose how many records shall be displayed in the list of records. Each user can choose its own settings.
Detailed listing - switches list of records into the detailed listing. In this display all the enabled columns are displayed on a special card for each record. This display is used for a fast overview about records.
Export of records to Excel - function exports displayed records in to Excel.
RSS channel - Link to RSS channel for the given class. If the class contains news, then RSS channel can be used for a comfortable reading in readers (e.g. in Outlook).
Copy URL - function opens a new window with the current page URL. If there is a filter applied on the page, then also URL filter is reflected in the link. By a simple CTRL + C you can copy the filter into the clipboard for further use.
14 - Record deletion
There is an icon for deleting the given record at the end of each line in the list of records. If you do not see the icon, you do not have rights to delete records in this class or deletion is disabled in this class. Records can be deleted also in the detailed form. The button for deletion is on toolbar at the bottom of that screen.
15 - Record headline
There is ID of the given record and sometimes also icon for a context menu displayed in the record headline. After clicking on ID detailed information from the record is displayed. After clicking on the context menu icon options for the given record are displayed.
Types of pages
There are sevral types of pages in the ObjectGears system. They are described hereinafter.
List of records
This type of pages displays list of records from the given source (e.g. class, query). Each record is located on a single line. After clicking on ID in the first column detail of the given record is displayed.

Record detail
This page displays single record. There are values of the record in particular fields. There are buttoms for saving or deleting record on the toolbar. Some pages can contain also tabs with other records that relate to the displayed record. Display on these pages is similar to the page List of records.

On this type of page there is a template that defines where are areas (zones) into which webparts can be inserted. The zones structure the page. Webparts are simple page parts that have specific function - e.g display of report, list of records, display of text or clock...
You can insert whatever number of webparts into whatever zone of each such page.

Pages with schemes are determined for quite different display. They enable to add objects on the screen and link those together. An example can be scheme for a class or workflow definition.
In the scheme objects can be moved in whaever way making the scheme more clear for understanding. Each scheme has to be saved in order to save the changes.

Other pages differ in details. They are intuitive and therefore we will not discuss them here.
Opening a page into a new browser window
Modern browsers use tabs for displaying pages. You can use them for displaying more pages (e.g. details of more records) of the ObjectGears system. In order to comfortable open a link into a new tab hold the key CTRL before clicking on the link by the left mouse button.
You can use more tabs to display data. We will point out only two aspects of tabs:
- If you open two tabs for the same list of records (e.g. from the same class) then when filtering records the last filter will be stored in the application memory. If you use another filter on each page then when moving back to the list of records the last used filter will be applied.
- If you perform a change in one tab, the change will show itself only after refreshing the page.