Article: AN0001848Updated: 03.10.2018
After user pressing the button (author of an article that sends it for approval, deletion etc.) we want to ask the user if he/she really wants to perform this action. We will utilize button property Confirmation query for that. This property offers a localized message, to which the user responds with pressing OK or Cancel.
If the user confirms OK, the action associted with the button is executed - the script is executed, which finds out, whether there is a waiting so far unapproved request or not. Based on this a new request for appoval is created. Depending on the situation we want to inform the user with a message corresponding to his/her language for application. We will utilize ObjectGears property Messages from scripts and use message options stored centrally for model KnowledgeBase (therefore, texts of messages are not in particular scripts). Within the script we will call corresponding message code by means of object OG.MessageLoc and let ObjectGears return corresponding language version of the message.
Messages used in model KnowledgeBase. (There are message versions for informing that there are no pending requests in the red frame.)

Message returned to the user with undefined localization or other localization than Czech or German.