Article: AN0002487Updated: 08.10.2023
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Tab: Basic properties
- Code - Webpart code. It has to be unique among codes of webparts on the given page
- Title - Webpart title. If you do not define it, the webpart will be at display without title.
- Display webpart style - When checked webpart frame will be displayed. When not checked, only webpart content will be displayed.
- CSS class - CSS class for defining the style of the web part.
- Model - Selection of model from which values should be displayed.
- Query - Selection of query from which values should be displayed.
- Record type - type of the object in the webpart (Portfolio, Program, Project, Small change...)
- Record class - Id of the class to which the record belongs.
- Record ID - Id of the fiven record.
- Name - Column with name to Gantt.
- Picture - Path to an icon stored on server.
- Colour - Column with colour of the bar. Colour is reflected only on top level items. Subordinate (submerged) items take it over from it.
- Order - Column with the order of activities.
- Frame indication - It defines whether the object should be displayed as a frame which can contain other objects.
- ID of the parent class - Id of class of the parent record.
- ID of the parent record - Id of the parent record.
- Definition of columns - Defines the columns to be displayed in the combobox. Each column is listed on a new line and its definition consists of several properties separated by # character:
- Localized name of the object
- Column type - allowed values are:
- Other properties
- For type datarow:
- References to columns from underlying classes (must be columns of the same type, either always a reference to the user or always a reference to the class). It is provided in the notation: model_code.class_code. In case of multiple columns being referenced, these columns are separated by a comma.
- For type interval:
- References to columns from underlying classes (must be columns of the same type, either always integer or always decimal). It is provided in the notation: model_code.class_code. In case of multiple columns being referenced, these columns are separated by a comma.
- Intervals for grouping the records. It is defined the notation value-value and the localized name for the given interval into the combobox. Individual intervals are separated by a comma.
- Scripts - Scripts sets allowed moves of particular types of objects into another types of objects.
Example of the Defition of columns:
en-US::Financial demands~cs-CZ::Finanční náročnost#interval#project.value,program.value,portfolio.value#1-100001~en-US::Small (Up to 100.000)~cs-CZ::Malé (Do 100.000),100001-500001~en-US::Midlle (Up to 500.000)~cs-CZ::Střední (Do 500.000),500001-10000001~en-US::Big (Up to 10.000.000)~cs-CZ::Velké (Do 10.000.000),10000001-2000000000~en-US::Extra large (Above 10.000.000)~cs-CZ::Extra velké (Nad 10.000.000)
en-US::Internal cost (MD)~cs-CZ::Interní náklady (MD)#interval#project.internal_cost#1-50~en-US::Small (Up to 50 MD)~cs-CZ::Malé (Do 50 MD),50-500~en-US::middle (up to 500 MD)~cs-CZ::Střední (Do 500),500-10000000~en-US::Big (Above 500)~cs-CZ::Velké (Nad 500)